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November 2020

Since Aaron's panic attack a little more than a week ago, I haven't been able to get a moment alone with him to talk.

Every time he and I crossed paths, he moved past me or simply ignored me. When he saw Nate's arm around me he gave us both a look that made us separate. This man is confusing. He's angry at me, but he still puts on a jealousy scene as soon as some other dick owner touches me. How does that work?

I walk around the house, looking for my backpack with my phone pressed between my ear and shoulder. "Yes, Rosy, I'm eating. No, I'm not working too much. No, there are no guys I'm interested in— No, Rosy, not even girls," I answer all my nanny's questions.

"Ma stellina mia, you must have some guys falling at your feet!" she exclaims with her thick accent.

Oh, Rosy, you have no idea. "Nope." I change the subject, "Anyway, when are you coming here? I miss you."

"I miss you too, stellina. I'll be there soon, I believe. Don't you have school?" she replies with her sweet voice.

"Yeah, I'm going now. I'll see you soon then, right?"

I can almost hear her smile. "Of course. Bye-bye!"

"Bye, Rosy." I hang up, grateful for the call. I really needed it.

I hear the shower turn off from upstairs, meaning that Aaron is done with it. All right, it's now or never.
I drop my phone and run upstairs, storming inside his room. Without thinking it over again, I swing the bathroom door open and rush in, closing it behind me and locking it.

The steam sticks to my skin, but I ignore it. I turn around and find Aaron with a look both furious and confused. "What the fuck is this?" His voice is calm, but I can hear the anger hidden in it.

"I need to talk to you," I blurt out.

"No, you need to start knocking. In case you didn't notice, I'm naked," he points out, and I only now realize that he's trying to cover himself with a towel, though I didn't even give him time to put it on properly. Toned abs, thick arms, and broad shoulders. God, he's gorgeous.

"Sorry." I turn back around, allowing him to cover up a little. Then, I face him again. "I need to talk to you," I repeat.

Aaron folds his arms in front of his chest and stares down at me with a scowl. He opens his mouth to speak, and I expect him to start throwing insults at me. Instead, he simply states, "Pass."

He tries to walk past me, but I stop him with a hand on his chest. Damn. I sigh, relaxing my shoulders. "I'm here to properly apologize. Please, let me," I confess, looking down when his piercing gaze cuts through my soul.

"I don't wanna hear it." His voice is colder than ice.

"Well, you have to." I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry about happened," I finally start. "I'm sorry I hurt you and I shouldn't have done what I did. It was none of my business and I shouldn't have looked anything up. I apologize for all the shit I put your through and I understand your anger." I take a break to breathe again. "It's okay if... If you don't want to forgive me. I get it."

Aaron looks at me for a while, his eyes unreadable. He says, "Okay. I don't forgive you."

I part my lips. "Oh."

"You said it was okay. Cool. I don't fucking forgive you, Elizabeth." Oh, he's getting mad. His body is rigid and his jaw is set. His green irises look like a forest in the middle of a storm, and I nearly step back from the pure rage burning in them. "You went through my personal stuff. My life, but mostly my past. I hadn't had a panic attack like that in fucking months, and then you show up and decide to screw everything up because that's what you do. You fuck up, and then demand that everyone forgives you because you are so defenseless and innocent. Well, I see right through your act. You're just a spoiled little girl that wants everyone to love her no matter what she does. Guess what, Elizabeth? I don't fucking care who you are or what your last name is. I don't give a damn. You had no right to do what you did and I will not let it go. I'm not going to forgive you just because you said two magic words that have probably gotten you this far in life. I can wipe my ass with your apologies. Go find someone else to play with, because with me you've already lost the game."

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