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December 2020

Logan's arms nearly squeeze me to death, but, God, have I missed my best friend.

"Took you long enough, shithead," I tell him, pulling back and punching his shoulder.

Logan rolls his eyes, grinning. "Shut up. We all know you've missed my head." I raise my brows. "That came out so wrong."

I can't hold back my laugh. "I didn't think you'd come back in time," I admit, crossing my arms.

He shrugs. "I couldn't let my school lose the championship. We all know I'm the reason we always win."

I nod, holding back another laugh. "Of course. Of course."

"Well? Where's my girl?" he asks, looking around. "There she is. Lizzeeeeeyyyy!" he yells, catching everyone's attention.

I shake my head, chuckling, as I watch him run toward my girlfriend and pick her up from the floor. Lizzie yelps, not expecting any of that. I walk in their direction, staring at Logan as he spins on the spot with Lizzie in the air.

When he finally puts her down, she stumbles around, trying to find her footing. I catch her waist, holding her upright. She laughs, resting her hand on my chest. "Hello to you too, Logan," she says.

"Davina, you look hot as usual," he says to our friend, smirking.

"Thanks, man."

"Okay, everybody!" Henry clasps his hands, catching everyone's attention. "Let's get all on the bus and get going."

Logan drapes one arm over Lizzie's shoulders and the other over Davina's. I clear my throat and glare at him. He rolls his eyes, freeing my girl. "He's annoying," he tells her.

I open my mouth to reply, but she replies, "I know."

I arch a brow and scowl. "What do you mean you know?"

Lizzie laughs, taking my hand in hers and leaning against my shoulder. "I'm kidding."

"You better be."

Henry walks up to us and pats Logan on the shoulder, squeezing it. "Are you guys waiting for the Messiah? Come on, on the bus."

Lizzie and I head towards the vehicle, but not before noticing Logan's blush caused by Henry's hand. I try to hide a laugh. Logan follows us on the bus and asks me, "What're you laughing about?"

I shake my head and smile at him. "Nothing."

"Yeah, right."

"I promise!" I raise my hands. "It's just... Good to have you back."

Logan grins. "Aw, you've gone soft!"

"Unlike you when you're around Mr. Holloway," I retort, earning an elbow in my ribs.

Still laughing, I sit next to the window, followed by Lizzie. In front of us sit Logan and Davina. I look at Lizzie, who's grabbing her phone from her backpack, and feel suddenly overwhelmed when she smiles at some dumb joke Logan made.
I have gone soft.

Lizzie looks at me and, although still smiling a little, she frowns. "What?"


"You're staring."

I shrug. "You're pretty."

The word pretty hits a lot harder than beautiful or gorgeous. It's more personal and specific. She likes it. It makes her blush and look away.

Satisfied with the reaction I got out from her, I look in front of me, resting my hand on her thigh. Lizzie takes her phone and my earphones, putting on some music.

SweetheartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz