New Wolf in Town

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Estel's POV

"So what are you doing today?" Caroline asks me.

"If mum asks, working on my college applications. You still helping Tyler?" I ask her.

"Sure am, he is going to chain himself at the old Lockwood ruins" she tells me.

"Call if you need a hand with anything" I tell her.

"Sure thing, creep I'm late. I have to go meet Tyler at the grill. Wish me luck" she tells me.

"Good luck" I drawl as she rushes out the door. I relax on the couch trying to decide what to do today. When my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and groan. "This had better be important Damon, I am very busy" I lie.

"I need you to baby sit Elena, something come up and I have to go meet Alaric at the Grill" he tells me.

"You can't call me every time you need someone to baby sit Elena" I tell him. "Besides isn't she safely spelled in her house as we speak?" I ask him.

"Doesn't mean she's safe, besides I thought you were friends again" he states.

"Fine, but only because I have nothing better to do" I grumble as I sit up.

"I thought you said you were very busy" he says in a teasing tone. No doubt smirking.

"Sorry, my mum is calling. Be there soon" I say and hang up. Just then mum appears. "Hey mum" I say smiling as I stand up.

"Hey sweetie, shouldn't you be at school? Where's Caroline?" she asks me.

"It's the weekend mum and Caroline is meeting her friends at the grill" I tell her.

"Good, I hope you use to weekend to start applying to colleges. You graduate soon" she reminds me.

"I'm actually going over to the Gilberts. To see if Jenna can help me" I partially.

"Excellent, have a good day" she tells me.

"I will and I will be late getting back tonight with Caroline. We're going to have a sister's night" I tell her.

"Just as long as you aren't drinking. I'm fine with it" she states and kisses my cheek. Before leaving. I grab my keys and jacket before leaving for Elena's. I arrive to see Damon already gone and knock on the door. Jeremey answers.

"Hey Estel, come on in" he tells me and I enter.

"Thanks for the invite, where's Elena?" I ask him as I put my keys down.

"Living room sulking" he tells me and I chuckle as we head there.

"Were you in on this to?" Elena asks me.

"Of course, I helped Bonnie write the spell. I might not be able to do magic anymore. But I can still make potions and write spells" I tell her.

"It must suck, losing your powers" Jeremy states.

"It does, especially with Elijah back in town. I could of knocked him out and trapped him somewhere. But Bonnie isn't strong enough to take on an original" I state.

"Taking on an original is what made you a vampire" Elena reminds me.

"No, being careless and ignoring the other vampires in the room. Is what made me a vampire" I correct her. "Besides, I'm trying to find a way to tap into my magic. I still feel it's there, but it's blocked. If I can unblock it, I might be able to use it again" I state.

"Have you told Bonnie this?" Jeremy asks me.

"No, and I don't want to. Encase I'm wrong" I tell him.

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