Chapter Four

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Shawn's (Mr. Kent's) POV

"I'm going to take a shower," Emily stated. I smiled at her and she kissed my cheek before leaving the room.

"So, how long have you and Emily been 'a thing'?" Liam asked.

"Technically, for about a month," I answered.

"That long?" Louis asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "I mean, well, you're kind of her teacher."

"Well, yes," I nodded. "But she's going to be graduating soon."

"How soon is soon?" Liam frowned.

"It's not like you can really do anything, Mr. Payne," I stated. "She's not eighteen yet so it would still be illegal even of she wanted you."

"You think I want her?" Liam snorted.

"Why wouldn't you? She's amazing in bed," I smirked. "Not that you'll ever know."

"I... What?" He stammered.

"You should hear the sounds she makes," I continued. "They're positively sinful."

"Ok, what did I just walk into?" Zayn frowned.

"I was just telling Liam how amazing Emily's mouth is," I grinned. Liam finally got up and walked out.

"I'm sorry I asked," Zayn mumbled.

"Why did I stay in here for that conversation," Louis groaned. I laughed as Harry walked into the room.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"You don't want to know," Louis stated before I could answer.

Emily's POV

An hour later, Abby and Niall came back with supplies and we all helped to put it away. I couldn't help but notice that Abby was actively avoiding Liam. She sat with Niall between them every time we sat down.

"Why's Abby avoiding me?" Liam finally asked. I glanced at him then back to what I was cooking.

"That's kind of complicated," I stated.

"Just tell me," he pleaded.

"Alright," I sighed. "You know how you're afraid of spoons?"

"Well, yeah," he frowned. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"It's like that," I continued. "Except for you, it's her and instead if spoons, it's you."

"Wait, she's afraid of me?" He frowned. "How is that possible?"

"I'm not even sure if she knows," I stated.
He glanced at her then looked back at me.
"Right," he sighed. "Anyway, so how did you and Mr. Kent get together?"

"Well, you see..." I started before the flashback started.

"Emily, can I speak to you?" Mr. Kent asked as I shut off the music I was playing at our basketball game.

"Um, sure." I followed him out of the gym towards his office that resided in the boys' locker room.

"What do you need?" I asked him, but instead of him answering, he just kissed me passionately.

"Emily, I...." He started, but this time I kissed him, rougher and with more passion than before.

"Things got heated quickly, and before you know it, all of our clothes were off and we were hooking up in his office. After that, he just asked me to be his and things went from there."

"Oh," he frowned.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"No, it's just..." He trailed off, studying me for a moment. "You really love him, don't you?"

"I do," I smiled. He remained quiet as I finished cooking, him helping me every so often. Soon enough, lunch was done and we all sat down.

"So, you guys are spies?" Louis asked as he swirled his fork in the pasta.

"Yes," Abby huffed. "Any more pointless questions?"

"What's this rule that I heard about?" He asked. "The one about not hooking up with your clients or whatever."

"Usually, the clients are wanted dead and could be out of your care as suddenly as they were put in it," Shawn explained. "It's best not to get attached, since a romantic relationship is hard enough without the threat if death hanging over you."

"Why do I feel like you're the reason they made that rule?" Harry frowned.

"I beg your pardon?" Shawn frowned.

"You talk about it as of you had gone through it," Harry shrugged. "I just assumed..."

"Well, your assumption is incorrect," Shawn snapped. He turned a glare on everyone, daring them to challenge him, but then went back to eating as if nothing had happened.

"Moving on," Zayn frowned. "How long do you suppose we're stuck here?"

"It depends on how fast we find the assassins," Shawn answered. "It could be a day or two or it could be years."

"Years?" Harry exclaimed.

"Yeah, I can't do years," Louis frowned. "I refuse to be stuck here for that long."

"You don't really have a choice, do you, pretty boy?" Abby frowned.

"Pretty boy?" Louis frowned. "Is that your idea of an insult?"

"I don't think I could take much longer of you two arguing," I broke in.

"She started it," Louis muttered. Abby glared at him but didn't say anything.

"Anyway," Liam began. "We're stuck here for now so what do you all want to do?"

"I found a cupboard full of board games upstairs," Zayn stated.

"Lame," Louis growled.

"Did anyone notice the game system that is in the living room?" Niall asked.

"Game system?" Harry grinned. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"I didn't feel the need to," Niall shrugged. Harry rolled his eyes and they all went into the living room to play.

"Boys," Abby groaned, following them anyway.

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