Chapter Sixteen

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Shawn's POV

"What were you thinking?!" I shouted. Nathan had the decency at least look ashamed and Max cringed.

"We were doing our job," Jay frowned.

"They were in the house! I said you could take Louis but I told you to wait until he was alone!" I shouted. "You put this entire mission in jeopardy because you didn't have patience!"

"He was right there for the taking! No one saw her and no one knows it was her!" Siva yelled back.

"You are wrong about that! You underestimated Emily. She put two and two together after the party," I told him. "She knows Cassy is the assassin."

"If you hadn't told her anything," Kassy began.

"I had no choice. I had to or else I would have been taken off of the mission," I said. "I couldn't let that happen!"

"Admit it, Shawn," Max snapped. "You actually care for her."

I gritted my teeth and glared at him.

"Don't turn this on me," I hissed. "I don't care for her."

"Prove it," Jay challenged. "Throw her off the trail."

"Fine," I snapped. "For now, what are we going to do with Louis?"

"That's Cassy's jurisdiction," Nathan stated.

"I'll take care of him," she said. "Trust me."

"You scare me," Siva frowned.

"That's my job," she winked.

Em's POV

It's been about a week since Shawn left and I officially found out that I was pregnant. I woke up and walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked Abby. She glanced up from the pan and then back down.

"Making pancakes," she answered.

"But you can't cook," I frowned.

"Well you weren't awake and I wanted breakfast," she stated. "You want one?"

"Sure," I shrugged. I sat down and she put a plate in front of me.

"Have you heard from Shawn?" She asked.

"No. I'm getting a little worries. He doesn't usually just disappear," I frowned.

"In sure he's fine," she smiled, sitting down.

"Honey, I'm home," Shawn called.

"We're in here," I called. He walked in and kissed my forehead.

"How was it?" I asked.

"Tiring," he answered, sitting down.

"What happened?" Abby asked.

"The people I was working with were argumentative and it took forever to decide on the next course of action," he sighed.

"What exactly was the mission?" Abby frowned.

"That's confidential," he stated.

"Um, Shawn, I have to tell you something," I said. He turned to me.

"I think Liam needs my help," Abby said. She walked out and Shawn suddenly looked very nervous.

"Am I in trouble?" He asked.

"No," I smiled.

"Then what's wrong?" He frowned.

"I'm pregnant," I stated. His expression twisted into something unreadable.

"You... You are?" he stammered.

"Yes," I nodded.

"That's... Amazing," he grinned.

"It is?" I asked.

"Yes," he laughed. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know," I smiled. He seemed to realize something and held me at arm's length.

"You need to be taken off the assignment," he stated.

"What?" I frowned.

"I don't want you to get hurt," he stated. "And it just keeps getting more and more dangerous."

"Shawn, I'll be fine, alright?" I smiled. "If you take me off the mission, I'll have to leave you. I want to be wherever you are."

"Emily, I can't let you..."

"Shawn, I'm an adult. I can take care of myself. I'll be fine. I promise," I smiled. He smiled back and kissed me.

"You know that we have eavesdroppers," he muttered.

"I know," I whispered. He laughed.

Abby's POV

It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were still buzzing with everything. I heard someone walk down the hall and I silently opened the door.

"This is why you should have just disposed of him right away. They're going to spend all their time searching for him," Shawn hissed into a phone as he crept down the hallway. I glanced around and followed him.

"I'm on my way," he told them. He hung up and walked outside, me on his heels. As soon as he got into his car and drove away, I got into mine. I followed him to an old looking building and went inside after him.

"You are a bunch of incompetent fools!" Shawn shouted at the group.

"It isn't our fault!" Jay McGuiness shouted back. "That girl you hired..."

Suddenly, someone gripped by arm roughly and pushed me towards the others.

"That girl he hired just caught this one," a girl, Cassy I assume, hissed.

"Abby," Shawn gasped. He glared at me. "You followed me."

"Good thing too," I snapped. "Wait until everyone finds out about this."

"It's funny how you think that's going to happen, sweetheart," he chuckled darkly. "Put her with Louis."

Cassy shoved me roughly ahead of her, then through a door and down a staircase. We reached the bottom and she pushed me forward, causing me to fall. I glared at her as she left and then got to my feet.

"Abby?" A small voice called. I spotted Louis sitting on a bed in the corner and walked over to him.

He looked awful. His hair was dirty and he was wearing clothes too big for him. Dark bags were under his eyes and scrapes and cuts littered his visible skin. His eyes were rimmed with red and they had lost some of that playful innocence they once possesed. Not to mention the poor guy looked scared out if his mind.

"Oh, Lou," I muttered, sitting next to him. "What happened to you?"

"That woman... She... And I ..." He broke off and began to sob. I wrapped my arms around him and he cried into my shoulder.

"It's ok. We're going to get out of this," I whispered. At least, I hoped.

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