Chapter Ten

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Niall's POV

"Did you tell them where we were?" Abby asked. I shook my head as I slipped my phone into my pocket.

"Good," Louis stated. "Otherwise Liam would try to stop us."

"Technically, it's illegal since Abby's only 17," I pointed out. Louis shrugged and we continued down the sidewalk.

"Why did I agree to this again?" Abby frowned.

"It'll be fun," Louis assured her. She rolled her eyes. "Harry and Zayn are meeting us there."

We walked in silence for a little while and I saw Harry walking towards us. Zayn was little ways behind him, limping slightly.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Harry exclaimed. We followed him to the club and Abby glanced at the door uncertainly.

"How do you plan on getting me inside?" She frowned.

"It's easy," Louis grinned. He arranged us so she was slight hidden from view. "We did this with Harry all the time when the was underage."

He grinned and walked towards that door, flashing the bouncer his ID before walking in. We all did the same and same and he barely noticed Abby. She released a breathe when we were inside and smiled at me.

"That was easier than I thought," she stated. I laughed and we followed Louis to a table.

"I'm going to get some drinks," he stated and disappeared into the crowd. A few minutes later, he returned and handed us all drinks.

"I think I'm going to be the designated driver," Abby stated.

"Nope," Harry grinned. "Niall is."

"Me?" I frowned.

"You'll thank me later," he winked. I rolled my eyes.

Roughly two hours later, a drunk Abby was giggling as I spun her on the dance floor.

"So," she giggled as I pulled her back into my arms. "What's your name?"

"Abby, it's me Niall," I laughed. She frowned at me, squinting her eyes to help focus.

"No," she frowned. "Niall has blonde hair."
As she spoke, she reached up and ran a hand through my hair, tugging it slightly. She giggled as she ran her fingers through it again, completely fascinated.

"I think that we should get going," I told her.

"But I don't want to!" She pouted. I smiled but rolled my eyes, ignoring the urge to kiss the pout off her lips. I wrapped an arm around her to get her back to the others.

"Niall!" Louis exclaimed, smiling brilliantly. "There you are! I was just asking about you!"

"Lou," I sighed. "Where's Harry?"

"He's over..." He trailed off and stared at the hand he was about to point with. "Where the hell is my thumb!"

I groaned and looked over at Zayn. He was glaring at a beer bottle.

"Zayn, where's Harry?" I asked.

"There," Zayn told me, pointing forward. I looked over and spotted Harry dancing with some random girl. I walked over and grabbed Harry's upper arm, dragging him over to the others. Abby was helping Louis find his thumb (his other fingers were just curled around it) and Zayn was watching, horror plastered on his face as he looked at the place Louis's "missing" digit had been.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"We can't leave until we find my thumb!" Louis exclaimed, wiggling both thumbs at me meaningfully. "My thumb!"

He hugged his hand and beamed at it.

"Now we can go!" He grinned. Abby giggled again and looped her arm through mine to keep herself steady.

I dragged them out of the building and to the car. Zayn sat in the passenger seat while the more giggly ones were in the back.

"Lou!" Abby exclaimed.

"What?" Louis shouted back.

"There's a Smurf on your head!" Abby yelled. I saw Louis's eyes widen in the rearview mirror and his hand went to his hair.

"I don't feel a Smurf," he frowned.

"It's not a Smurf, Abby," Harry snorted. "It's his hair. He's part Smurf."

"That explains why he's so short," Abby giggled.

"You're more shorter!" Louis snapped.

"But it's cute on me," she giggled. I rolled my eyes fondly and parked in front of the house. We got out and Abby looked at me with puppy eyes.

"You should give me a piggy back ride," she stated. I laughed and turned around, allowing her to climb onto my back.

"Hold on," I told her, her grip on my shoulders tightening. "Don't want to fall off."

I took her into the house and into one of the rooms, dropping her onto the bed. I smiled as she she curled up under the blanket. I turned to leave but she grabbed my arm. I turned to look at her but she fell off the bed. I smiled and helped her up.

"Don't leave me," she begged as she sat on the bed. "I don't want to be alone."

I smiled and kicked off my shoes, climbing in next to her. She smiled and curled into me, laying her head on my chest.

"Niall?" She whispered loudly.

"Yes, love?" I mumbled, already half asleep.

"I love you," she muttered. Then she fell asleep. I smiled and kissed her hair.

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