Chapter Five

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Abby's POV

I was curled up on a chair with my phone resting on me lap as I watched the boys play FIFA. Emily and Mr. Kent weren't anywhere to be seen so I assumed that they were still in the kitchen or... I'm not even going to finish that thought.

"Anyone else want some popcorn or anything?" Niall asked as they finished a round.

"Oh, I'll take something," Zayn called, he hopped to his feet and walked into the kitchen. "Liam?"

"Get me a soda!" Liam called. Louis was curled up and fast asleep on a chair.

"So, Abby," Harry began. "How long have you and Emily been friends?"

"A long time," I answered automatically.

"Oh? How did you become friends?" He asked.

I thought for a second and laughed as I remembered.

I looked around the strange school as I crossed the yard to the classroom. I reached the classroom and opened the door, peaking inside and spotting another little girl sitting at a desk with her head bowed over a book.

"Hello," I called nervously. She glanced up then back down.

"Hi," she muttered.

"What are you reading?" I asked. She looked up as I walked closer and I sat in the desk on front of her.

"Morris the Moose," she answered.

"Cool," I muttered. "Why are you sitting here by yourself?"

"Evan isn't here," she answered.

"Oh," I frowned, not knowing who Evan was.

"You're new here, aren't you?" She asked, this realization seemingly more interesting than Morris the Moose.

"Um, yeah," I nodded.

"I'm Emily," she smiled.

"I'm Abby," I grinned back.

"We've been friends ever since," I grinned.

"Wow," Liam smiled. "That's nice."

"Yeah," Harry agreed. "So, what about boyfriends? I know Emily has Shawn but what about you?"

"Oh, that's another story completely," I laughed nervously.

"What, you don't have a boyfriend?" Harry asked. Niall and Zayn came back in and Zayn handed Liam his soda.

"You don't?" Niall asked. He sat next to me and I stole some popcorn out of the bowl.

"Nope," I frowned. "Actually, I haven't had a boyfriend since my first one broke up with me."

"Really?" Liam asked.

"Is it story time or something?" I frowned.

"Yes," Harry and Zayn answered.

"Tell us about this guy," Harry insisted. "Why did you break up with him?"

"Actually, he broke up with me," I shrugged. "I don't know why."

"Because he's an idiot," Niall scoffed, popping some popcorn into his mouth.

"Thanks, Niall," I laughed, making him smile and blush slightly.

"Anyway, details," Harry pushed.

"You are such a gossip, Harry," Zayn snorted.

"I'm interested," Harry snapped. "Continue, Abby."

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