Chapter Seven

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Emily's POV

The next morning, I walked into the kitchen and saw Niall with his head resting on the table. A bowl of cereal was next to him and a spoon in his hand. I walked over and tapped on the table.

"You alive, Niall?" I asked. He groaned and lifted his head.

"Morning, Emily," he yawned.

"You okay?" I asked as I walked towards the counter.

"Couldn't sleep," he stated. "Every time I tried, something would pop into my brain. Before I knew it, the sun was coming up."
"What was on your mind?" I asked, popping bread into the toaster.

"No one," he answered immediately.

"I didn't ask who, Niall," I smirked. He blushed and looked down at his now soggy frosted flakes. "Was it Abby?"

"What makes you think that?" He asked.

"Oh please," I snorted as the toaster released my toast. I pulled it out and got the butter from the fridge. "You're not subtle."

"Then how come she hasn't noticed?" He frowned.

"You could literally tell her that you love her and she wouldn't believe you," I told him. "She oblivious to things like that."

He frowned and finished eating his cereal before standing up and taking his bowl to the sink. He washed it and seemed deep in thought.

"Seriously?" He asked.

"Seriously," I nodded.

"Seriously what?" Louis asked as he walked in.

"We're talking about him and Abby," I stated.

"About the fact that they haven't so much as kissed yet?" He asked. I nodded and Niall glared at us.

"What are you talking about?" He frowned.
"You two flirt so much it's sickening," Louis stated.

"We do not," he frowned.

"Niall's in denial," Louis giggled. I rolled my eyes and Shawn walked in.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he grinned, kissing me gently.

"Speaking of sickening," Louis mumbled.

"Good morning," Harry grinned as he walked into the kitchen, followed by Liam.

"Where's Abby and Zayn?" Niall asked.

"Zayn's still knocked out on the couch and Abby is in the shower," Liam answered.

"Why is Zayn on the couch?" I asked.

"He fell asleep around ten," Harry explained. "You wouldn't believe how long we played last night."

"I have to go get my phone," Niall stated.

Niall's POV

I walked up the stairs and passed the bathroom. I heard someone singing and smiled. The song sounded familiar. The door opened and Abby stepped out in a towel. She ran into me and knocked me over, landing on top of me.

"Niall!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening. "What are you doing?"

"I came up here to grab my phone," I answered. "Why are you just in a towel?"

"I forgot to bring clothes with me," she responded.

We stood up and I glanced down as she fixed the towel. My eyes immediately came back up as my cheeks heated. Her cheeks were equally as red and she was staring at the ground.

"Um, I should probably get some clothes on," she muttered. She disappeared into her room and I grabbed my phone from mine. I walked back downstairs and sat next to Liam.

"You okay, Niall?" He asked.

"What? Oh, I'm fine," I stated.

"Are you sure?" He frowned. "You're red. You're not getting sick are you?"

"No, I'm perfectly fine," I answered. "Just a bit cold is all."

"It's 80 degrees out, Ni," Zayn pointed out. Suddenly, Louis's eyes widened in realization.

"Oh. I know why you're so red," he grinned.

"Why?" I asked, hoping he was wrong.

"Liam, didn't you say Abby was still in the shower? Upstairs?" He smiled.

"Why?" Liam asked curiously. At this point, my face probably resembled that of a tomato.

"He might have snuck..." Louis began.

"Who might have snuck where?" Abby asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"No where," Louis answered immediately. I rolled my eyes was glad that Louis didn't say anything else.

"Moving on," Abby frowned. "Where's Shawn?"

"He went to make a phone..." Emily began.

"You all need to get packing. Our position has been compromised," Shawn boomed as he walked into the room. We all sat shell shocked for a moment. "You all need to go! Now!"

We all suddenly rushed out of the room and ran to our rooms.

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