Chapter Twenty

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Abby's POV

"So he said he loves you and then threw you down here with us?" Liam frowned.

"Great. We're being help captive by a mad man," Zayn sighed.

"I did ask to be down here," Emily mumbled.

"Then you're crazy, too," Zayn shrugged.

"You could have gotten out. Could have gotten help," Niall frowned.

"Your brain can only process so much in a situation like that. The only thought I had was 'I hate you'," Emily explained.

"Honestly, mine would have been more along the lines of 'you motherfucking jackass'," Zayn stated.

"I swear you're just using this as an opportunity to cuss," Niall frowned. Zayn shrugged.

"Anyway, we need to focus on getting out of here," Liam said.

"Of all the ways he could have gotten revenge, he chose to do it with Directioners," Zayn groaned.

"The things love will do to people," I sighed.

"You're not sympathizing with him, are you?" Louis asked, horror plastered across his face.

"No. He's psychotic. I'm just saying that people do desperate things for the ones they love," I shrugged. The door opened and we all looked up. Shawn walked down the stairs and we all glared at him.

"What are you doing down here?" Zayn hissed.

"I'm getting you guys out of here," he frowned. "What does it look I'm doing?"

We all stared at him and Zayn started laughing.

"That's some sick joke," he snapped.

"I'm not joking," he sighed. He pulled out a gun and held it out to me. "Wait down here until I give the signal."

He turned and left.

"What the fuck is the signal?" Liam frowned.

"We'll know it when we hear it," I stated.

"Why'd he give you the gun?" Louis asked.

"Because I won't shoot him," I said.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

"That was y he signal," Emily said. Liam picked up Harry and Zayn helped Louis to his feet, wrapping an arm around him to keep him steady.

"Keep quiet," I hissed as I eased the door open. We walked out and I saw Nathan and Siva knocked out on th floor. We walked forward a little more and stopped when we heard someone scoff.

"You don't really think that you're going to get out, do you?" Jay hissed.

"We're planning in it," Zayn snapped. Jay scowled at us. He raised the gun he held in his hand and I panicked. I shot him in the knee. He let out a yell and collapsed.

"You bitch," He gritted between clenched teeth. We went left quickly and I heard the gun go off before I heard Niall fall.

"Fuck," he hissed, holding his leg.

"Come on, Nialler. We're almost there," Liam urged as I helped Niall up. I handed the gun to Emily and Niall leaned heavily on me. We went forward a little more.

"There you are," a feminine voice hissed. We turned and saw Cassy standing with a gun. Louis whimpered and Emily stepped in front of him.

"Get out of the way," she snapped. Cassy laughed cruelly.

"You don't scare me, dollface," she stated, raising the gun. Zayn pushed Emily out of the way and tried to move himself and Louis but wants fast enough. The bullet hit Zayn's arm. He let go of Louis, who struggled to remain upright but fell to the ground.

"Look at you," Cassy laughed. "Pathetic. We're doing the world a favor by..."

A gun shot rang out and she looked down at her stomach. Her eyes widened at the hole the bullet had made. We all looked over at Louis, who let the gun fall put of his grip and stared in horror as Cassy collapsed to the ground.

"I-I killed her," He whsiperrd.

"Lou, let's go," Zayn hissed, forcing him to his feet and keeping his good arm around him.

"You'll never get away with this," we heard Tom shout. We rounded a corner and saw Shawn pointing a gun at him.

"Who are they going to believe? Me or you? That is, if you're still alive," He stated.

"What about Liz, huh? You going to let her down?" Tom shouted. Shawn looked over at us then back at him.

"I have a new love," he said then pulled the trigger.

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