Chapter Eight

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Abby's POV

Luckily, I hadn't really unpacked since we got here. I packed the few things I had unpacked and Shawn appeared at the door.

"Intelligence says we have about an hour and they sent someone to drop off things to change your appearance," he told me. I nodded and he walked away. I walked down the stairs and found hair dye, colored contacts, scissors, and many other props.

"No! I refuse to!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry, you need to cut your hair!" Emily exclaimed.

"Why do I need to!" Harry frowned.

"So people don't recognize you," Emily sighed.

"Fine," Harry sighed. He sat on the chair and Emily picked up the scissors.

"You two do that," I told them, grabbing two boxes of dye and going up to the bathroom. Niall was already inside the bathroom with a box of brown hair dye and he smiled at me. "Need help, Niall?"

"Please?" He smiled. A little while later, his hair was brown and mine was blonde with red tips. Niall smiled at me and I smiled back.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked.

"You look good as a blonde," he stated, making me blush.

"Alright, love birds, out," Louis ordered. " You aren't the only ones who have to change their looks around here."

I rolled my eyes and we walked out of the bathroom. We walked downstairs and I stared at Harry, who's hair was cut short and slicked back.

"This feels so wrong," he moaned, touching his hair.

I began to laugh and he glared at me.

"You look like Marcel," I laughed. "Hold still."

I picked up a pair of black square glasses and placed them on his face.

"Perfect," I smirked.

"Because people won't recognize me like this," he frowned.

"Technically, they aren't expecting you to walk around like that," Zayn stated. His hair was dyed a natural looking red and he had green contacts in. We all stared at him.
"You look so much different," Niall stated. Zayn laughed.

"You should see what Louis did to his hair," he smirked. As if summoned by the mention of his name, Louis appeared and I began to laugh hysterically, Niall joining me.

"Your... Your hair!" I laughed. "That's the brightest blue I have ever seen!"

"Oh my god! What did you do to your hair!" Emily exclaimed as she walked into the room. Her hair was her natural color of brown but the middle was Turquoise and the ends were lilac.

"Wow," Zayn stated. "Now that is a gorgeous hairstyle."

"Thanks," she grinned. "Where's Shawn and Liam?"

"I think Liam is finishing up his hair," Louis stated. "and I believe Shawn is outside."

She nodded and walked outside. Liam walked into the room and frowned as he saw her leave. His hair was cut at the sides and combed over at the top. He wore green contacts and he had shaved.

"Are we leaving soon?" Louis asked.

"Yes," Emily answered as she and Shawn walked back into the house.

"There are four cars and I need to take one," Shawn stated. "Emily, you're with Liam. Zayn and Harry, you two are together. Abby, you're with Niall and Louis."

I sighed and exchanged a glare with Louis.

"We are leaving now," Emily stated. "Get your stuff."

Within ten minutes, we were all loaded into the cars and Shawn was gone. Niall drove, I sat in the passenger seat, and Louis was in the back.

"Where's my phone?" I asked.

"I have it!" Louis called.

"How did you get it?" I frowned, holding my hand back for it.

"It was on the counter," he answered. "and I'm not giving it back."

I sighed and retracted my hand. Suddenly, it rang and I glared at him as he opened it.

"Who's Skittles?" He asked.

"Emily," I told him.

"Oh, well she said 'Omg, Shawn looked so hot!' Do you want to say something back?" He stated.

"Just say right," I instructed. He nodded and sent it before continuing going through my phone. "What are you doing?"

"Going through your texts," he stated plainly. "You text Hannah and Taylor a lot."
"They're some of my best friends," I frowned.

"Emily texted back. She said 'He did!'" he stated.

"If she says so," I shrugged. He laughed as he typed it in. A few minutes later, she replied and he laughed.

"What?" I asked, turning to glare at him.

"Shut up. I know for a fact that you feel the same about Niall," he read.

"I'm going to kill her," I muttered.

"Well, Abby?" Louis smirked. "Do you think that about Niall?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I stated, blushing. I looked over at Niall, who was also a lovely shade of red.

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