Gay Happy Meeting Or Conservative Beating

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It was the next morning, the feelings of unease made home in Yuri's gut.
He was going to introduce Otabek to his grandfather. Or rather... introduce themselves as a couple.

His grandfather had met Otabek his 'roommate' a handful of times— Otabek his boyfriend however....
Not so much... (Yes, I'm done w the F boy no label shit. That was extra, they're boyfriends.)

Yuri slipped out of bed and headed for the kitchen. Not bothering to take a shot at waking the sleeping mass next to him just yet.
He put on a pot of coffee and belly-flopped down on the couch, fiddling with his phone anxiously.
To his surprise, he heard stirring in the room over.
"No way..."
A moment later Otabek peered in from the hall, groggily shuffling towards the sofa.
He collapsed down on his boyfriend, effectively crushing him in the process.

"- Oh my god" Yuri grunted.
You're like 2 inches taller than me how are you so - damn- heavy??"
He gasped dramatically, making no real effort to struggle.
Otabek hummed in response, clearly not listening.

For a while they laid there in silence,
and for a moment Yuri thought Otabek might have fallen back asleep.
Just as he began fearing for his circulation, the man-shaped brick suddenly snaked his arms around Yuri's waist.
"How are you feeling Yura?"
He sighed, his voice deep and raspy from fatigue.

"Never better." Yuri groaned.

Otabek chuckled softly, finally sitting up.
He didn't release his grip however, instead pulling Yuri towards him so his back was flush against his chest, arms still wrapped snug around his mid-section. He dug his face in the crook of his neck. "C'mon meniñ ğaşığım... You know what I mean." He said, voice muffled.

The man already knew lying was pointless.
"Honestly... I'm really nervous."
He sighed, attempting to relax into the hug.
Yuri imagined what he looked like right now...
A mental camera panned out, looking down at the fruity display.
He imagined what his grandpa would think of him if he saw what he was like behind closed doors.
The image of his face, twisted in disgust flashed back into his head.

He felt sick.

Suddenly he snapped out of his intrusive thoughts, realizing Otabek was speaking to him—comforting him.
His words of reassurance fell into deaf ears, Yuri's head betrayed his heart.
" I... think the coffee's done."
He muttered, shrugging out of the arms around him and shuffling to the kitchen.


The pair sat anxiously in the parking lot, unable to bring themselves to go inside. Yuri's nerves had been contagious.
Despite himself, Otabek forced a smile and got out of the car.
He walked around to the passenger seat and opened the door. "Come Yura, we can't make him wait any longer,  Nikolai is not a patient man."

Otabek knew that this lunch would be at best...excruciatingly awkward—and at worst, catastrophic...
He also knew that it was his job to be a source of comfort right now.
He has to be confident when Yuri isn't. After everything that happened in Kazakhstan Yuri had been his rock throughout it all, he owed him this much at least.

After finally coaxing Yuri out of the car the two made their way inside the restaurant.
To the pair's surprise (and relief) it was relatively empty.

Yuri scanned the room briefly, it didn't take long to spot his Grandpa. He was sitting in the far corner looking out the window.
The pair warily approached his table, almost hoping he wouldn't turn their way.

"Uh...hi grandpa... " Yuri practically whispered.
The old man finally turned to notice the boys.
"Yuratchka! There you are." He offered a smile, faltering a little as he noticed the man beside him.

"Ah, Otabek... good to see you."

"Likewise." He said, smiling back politely and taking his seat. Yuri watched the exchange, lips pulled together tightly, anticipating something,

"Aren't you going to sit?"

"Right..." he said, taking his seat, an odd look still glued on his face. Something felt off...

"So, I've done some thinking..." Yuri's grandpa started.
"Yuratchka... I just want to say that while I can't help but find what you're doing a little ...unnatural.
I still accept you for who you are, Jaqsı?
I'm sorry...that I didn't notice you sooner... looking back I actually feel a bit foolish, it was quite obvious when I think about it."

Otabek felt a small hint of relief.
He's really trying... maybe this isn't gonna be so bad.

"Yeah well... I guess It's not really normal to drop everything and move to a different country for your 'bro'" is it?"
Yuri chuckled nervously.

Nikolai huffed out a laugh at that." No I suppose not... And really ever since you were little I should have suspected—the hair... the dance lessons, the cheetah print..."


"Still it's a bit... well It's gonna take some getting used to moy vnuk... oh! or I guess I should say moya vnuchka... yes- that will definitely take some getting used to."
His Grandfather smiled, pleased with himself.

"I-I... what?"
Otabek was too stunned to speak, out of all the scenarios he'd played through in his mind... this was not one of them.

Yuri starred in disbelief

"Grandpa you... do you think I wanna be a girl??"

His grandfather looked puzzled. "I... Yurachka is that not what you came to tell me today...?"

"No? Who just assumes that?!"

"No..? Yura... I'm confused."

"Grandpa, I didn't invite you here to tell you anything."

"Oh..." he cleared his throat.
"So you're..."

"Gay? A man dating a man?? Yeah... thought that was pretty clear the first time."

"I... see" Nikolai starred down at his hands, seemingly searching for words.


Yuri scoffed.
"Is it that disgusting to you?
That I tell you I'm dating a man and you just assume I'm trans??
What-because your perfect little 'Yuratchka' couldn't be anything but straight?
The only way you can accept me being with him is if I became a woman? Seriously...?"

Yuri stood up, frustrated tears threatening to spill over his eyelids. He grabbed his coat and Otabek by the hand.

"C'mon, we're leaving."

Author's note

The Hetero-coding is real with this one.

(I hope no one was offended by Yuri's lines here, I realize they might come across a little transphobic but it wasn't intended that way.)

Love y'all! Byeeee~


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