Bubbles, Boredom,& Borscht

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That day Otabek and Yuri were suitably bored out of their minds,
Lazing around the apartment making little conversation as the two sat there silently on the couch.
Yuri was leaning with his back on Otabek's chest and one leg tucked close to himself as the other was sprawled in-between Otabek's legs.

After most of the day went by with snacking and browsing the Inter-web, Inevitably Yuri let his boredom get the better of him.. letting out a painfully long groan " uuuuugggggggghhhhh.." as he groaned he leaned his head backwards on Otabek's shoulder,
"Otabekkkk.... let's do something I'm boorreed!" The Russian whined
"Like what?" Otabek said looking down at the younger male.

"I dunno but we haven't been out of the house in forever we should do something." Yuri mumbled.

"Fine.. how about we go to the market and then get dinner or something? Otabek said with his usual straight face and monotone way of speech.

"Okay." Yuri nodded getting off the couch and slipped his shoes on, Otabek following soon after.

The two males left the apartment, Otabek locking the door behind themselves, then they went down the elevator in silence.

After exiting the lobby Yuri turned his head to face away from the older man and grabbed Otabek's hand. " now.. you can't complain like you did last time we went out... so you have to hold my hand."
Yuri scoffed trying to sound cool, but not doing the best job at it.
Otabek smirked and said "I have no objections to that. ".

The two males hand in hand headed out to the market, arriving after about 10 minutes, they looked at clothes, food, collectables, and other such things that one would look at in a market.

After their time at the market came to an end Yuri and Otabek headed off to get dinner at the Hatchapuri, (( note: Otabek moved to Moscow, Russia after the Grand Prix season ended so in case you where wondering They are indeed in Russia. Another thing to note it that the Hatchapuri is also a real restaurant in Moscow.)).

Otabek was not that familiar with Eastern European cuisine, so he asked Yuri for help on what to eat, they enjoyed their meal and talked about random shit like most tend to do.

After the meal the two took a walk around a nearby park, once again hand in hand, loosing track of time courtesy to their long and intriguing conversation.

Exhausted, they arrived back at the apartment, and decided to take a bath (
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
"You can go first." Yuri says flopping onto the couch with a yawn.." I'll wait here till you're done.".

"No you'll fall asleep, if I go first and you get cranky when I wake you up." Otabek argues.

"At least you can actually wake me up, a fucking buffalo couldn't wake you up."
Yuri scoffed back.

"Fine, fair enough.
We'll just take one together then." Otabek says showing no signs embarrassment from the bold statement he just made.

"A-Alright..." Yuri said trying to sound calm and cool once again, obviously failing.

Yuri awkwardly shuffled behind as Otabek made his way down the hall to the bathroom.

Luckily for them the bathroom was big.
It could easily fit two average adults, and both Otabek and Yuri where a little below average.
Yuri being 5'4 and the older being 5'6 fairly short for their age and gender.

They slipped inside and Otabek began to run the water, making sure it got warm before he plugged the drain.
Yuri watched from over his shoulder shyly.
Otabek added in some soap and they watched as a pink tinted foam formed at the base of the faucet rapidly spreading throughout the tub.

Clear pink bubbles and the scent of strawberries and cream filled the room.
After the tub had finally been filled, the older twisted the taps off.

Otabek stood up and glanced over at Yuri who was, like him, still fully clothed.
They both just stood their in awkward silence
But Otabek kept his composure and casually began to undress.

Yuri's hear stopped as Otabek slipped his shirt off, he turned away from the older man in embarrassment.
"Ahfg sorry!" He stuttered.
"Hmm? Why?" Otabek said, confused.
"Never mind.. nothing.. I'm just being dumb." Yuri still couldn't bring himself to face Otabek.

Slowly the Russian put his hands on the rim on his shirt, shaking so hard he couldn't even take it off.
Suddenly he felt warm arms wrap around his waist.
Otabek was standing behind him, shirtless but still wearing his jeans.
Yuri jumped a little at the sudden contact.
"Need some help?" Otabek said, almost sarcastically.
"Shut up.." Yuri scowled "I can do it myself."


"I-I can.."

"I'm waiting.." Otabek said smugly.

"........" Yuri looked down at the ground, hands still shaking and holding the rim on his shirt.

"The waters getting cold." Otabek added

"I KNOW..IM..."

Otabek softly placed his hands on Yuri's.
Otabek was now controlling Yuri's arms,
He directed them and they lifted his shirt up to his midsection, then chest, then over his head.

After what seemed like forever the two finally hop into the tub.
"The waters cold.." Yuri whines.

Otabek rolls his eyes." You shouldn't have taken so long to undress then.".

Yuri sighs annoyed, then sinks further into the bubbles, only half of his face poking out of the water.
Yuri never really liked taking bathes with people, but this wasn't the worst bath...though... it was pretty awkward.

The second they got out of the bath Yuri wrapped himself in a towel and sprinted down the hallway.
They got into a change of fresh clothes and and headed to bed.

Otabek cuddled Yuri, the younger man had his face dug into the orders chest, the smell of soap, and fresh clothing.
Made them feel refreshed.
The two fell asleep in each others arms having one of the best rests either of them had in a while.

To be continued~~

(( I'm so sorry...borscht.))

Authors note

Are y'all happy? I gave you a freaking bath scenario to shut you all up.


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