Night jog pt 2

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That was until..

Yuri heard the footsteps fade, as if the man was gone.
Yet he still felt the presence of another person.
He felt like there was someone only inches away from his face.
Yet he heard nothing but the sound of his now low music.

The feeling grew stronger and stronger, the suspense was unbearable.
He kept telling himself that he was just being paranoid.

Yet still.. Paranoia got the better of him and he slowly opened his eyes.
As his eyes where opened only a crack he noticed an outline of a head.
His eyes darted open in shock, he didn't actually think there would be a fucking person there.
Yuri let out a gasp.
He didn't realize the entire time he felt this presence he was holding his breath.
Yuri didn't want to believe it But sure enough looming over him, was the same man who had been following behind him all this time.

He was smiling, a really really weird smile.
Not exactly psychotic , it was obviously fake, more like he was pretending to be innocent.

"Hello gorgeous." He said in a thick accent. His breath reeked strongly of cigarettes.
Yuri jerked back in surprise, "who the-"

The man cut him off.
Asking him a bunch of questions.
"What's your name? Do you have a boyfriend? Where do you live?"but didn't bother to wait for an answer.
"Actually Can I have your number?" He asked, shoving his phone into Yuri's face.
Yuri starred at this guy in disbelief.

he grabbed the mans phone and chucked it against the pavement.

"What the.. why you do that for?" The man asked puzzled.

Before he could get it, Yuri stood up sternly, kicking the mans chest so he'd get out of his way.
The man turned around and gave him a pouty face.

"Where you think you are going baby girl?"
He grabbed Yuri by the arm firmly to stop him from going any further.
Yuri had enough.
He roundhouse kicked the guy in the gut.

The man doubled over in pain, but refused to let go, instead only grabbing him tighter. "Pretty strong kick for a girl."

Yuri lifted up his shirt to reveal he indeed was male.
As he did this he pointed to his chest and yelled "I AM A GUY YOU FUCKING DUMBASS.".
He prayed this guy didn't swing both ways.

The man's face drained of all colour.

"S- sorry sorry. I though you were a chick..." the man then stumbled to grab his phone and ran off obviously shocked.
"—And that would make it okay?? I'm calling the fucking cops!" He yelled as the man disappeared into the night.

Yuri just stood there, trying to decipher what just happened.
A chill ran up his spine thinking about what might have happened if he really wasn't a guy...

He had definitely had enough of night jogging.

Back at the Altin/plisetsky residence...

Otabek had suitably lost his mind, his glasses where broken, his tea was cold, and worst of all Yuri's been out for over three hours.
He tried calling and texting Yuri but he didn't answer.

Otabek was slowly pacing around the living room and kitchen, he didn't have the mental capability to think of anything either than all the possible bad things that may have happened to Yuri.

Just as his thoughts tumbled to the worst case Scenarios, he heard the door click open.
He whipped his head around so fast he cracked  his neck a little.

Yuri stood at the doorway, looking a hot mess.
He was sweaty and his pony tail was failing apart. "S-sorry." He panted.

Otabek didn't say anything, just stomped over to the door way and embraced Yuri into a hug.
"You're not mad?" Yuri questioned puzzled.

"How could I be.. I'm just glad you're alive."

Yuri felt so loved at that moment.
He never knew that Something as simple as a hug could make him feel so happy.
Otabek kissed his forehead.
"By the way...
I need new glasses, want to go with me to get new ones tomorrow?"

"Huh? Alright.. but What happened to them?".

"It's a... long story..".

Authors note

I'm so sorry this chapter was rushed..

Just as promised I updated today!
Yay Yuri's still alive!
And not deflowered!
Isn't that great.
Y'all really think I could have something that bad happen to my baby?

Or maybe I'll just end the whole fic with a plot twist where they both die... or maybe a break up.. or marriage? hehe you'll just have to find out.. and I'll have to think it over but I warn you all this fic likely doesn't have many more chapters left.


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