Burnt Toast & Runny Yolk

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It was the early afternoon and Yuri was only just now gaining consciousness, while He and Otabek had a late night, they still slept in much longer than they should have.
As Yuri sat up rubbing his eyes he noticed that Otabek was still asleep, that was unusual since while Otabek sleeps like a horse and can't be woken up by force he also tends to be an early riser if he stays on schedule.
Although Otabek's sleeping patterns have been irregular lately he should have had more than enough sleep, hence why Yuri was confused to see the raven haired man still sound asleep.
Yuri, not wanting to deal with
Waiting for Otabek to awaken, decides to make breakfast for the exhausted raven haired man.

So Yuri slips out of bed lazily not really bothering to be quiet, (for obvious reasons)
And makes his way to the kitchen.
Yuri opens the refrigerator to look for something to make.

Yuri spots eggs in the corner of his eye,
Yuri decides "why not?" And pulls the carton out of the fridge.
Yuri was a good cook, his grandfather often taught him how to cook here and there so Yuri was quite confident he'd be able to make a decent friend egg for Otabek, only one problem though, Otabek has a gas stove and Yuri had only ever used an electric stove, he was a little bit short minded today and decided to go ahead and make breakfast anyways "I mean how bad could it go?" Yuri asked chuckling quietly to him self.

Apparently pretty bad, because 15 minutes later Yuri was panicking as the pan caught on fire, and the toaster was steaming, Yuri snapped the burner off and unplugged the toaster taking a breather.

Yuri looked down in disgust his eye twitching  at his horrid excuse of a "good afternoon breakfast"
The egg was black and burnt while the yolk was runny and looked like something coughed up by a demon, and the toast could be passed as legitimate charcoal it was Burt to the crisp and took a strange shape, crumbling at the slightest touch, the meal looked revolting.

Yuri sighed, ashamed of his disgraceful fried egg, pushing his head into the couch angrily
"Why do I even bother." Yuri sulked to himself.

After a while Yuri got up to throw out the disgraceful breakfast,  before Otabek could wake up and notice the mess Yuri had made.

Yuri hears footsteps coming from Otabek's bedroom "SHIT HE'S AWAKE!" Yuri panicked looking for some way to dispose of the meal, Yuri noticed the balcony door was opened, sprinted over and threw the plate off the balcony. ((HOLY SHIT IM DYING I CANT BELIVE I WROTE THIS  GUYS HE THREW IT OFF THE BALCONY I HOPE IT DIDN'T HIT A PEDESTRIAN I THINK I JUST BURST A BLOOD VESSEL IM SO SORRY THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SERIOUS STORY.))

Otabek walked into the living room " Yuri something smells burnt-"
"ITS NOTHING." Yuri interrupted  walking off the balcony stiffly
Otabek shrugged it off and sat on the couch, "how'd you sleep" Otabek asked to change the  subject.

"Fine. You seemed to have had  a pretty good sleep your self." Yuri mumbled in response calming himself down and joining Otabek on the couch.

Otabek nodded slowly leaning back on the arm rest, "Yuri.. I have to go shopping today." Otabek sighed getting his wallet.
"Do you wanna come with me?" Otabek added.
Yuri shook his head "nah I dont like going to that store it's too far." He responded impatiently.

Otabek shrugged again
Put his shoes on, grabbed his keys and jacket
Then left, locking the door behind him.
Yuri sighed in relief ,hugging the couch pillow tightly to his chest digging his face into the soft plaid cushion, denying to himself that he missed Otabek already.

As Otabek left the building he thought to himself that Yuri was acting strange, but didn't want to look into it too much so he continued walking to his motorbike.

For the remainder of the day, Yuri lay around the apartment bored and annoyed, scrolling through his phone and watching television.
There wasn't much food left in the house aside from the odd thing, but He was not about to attempt cooking again today.

Normally Otabek would cook or they'd go out to eat, and Otabek almost always was awake earlier than yuri, not giving the Russian time to cook up a disaster on his broken and unpredictable gas stove.

Yuri was making too big of a deal over a burnt breakfast in his mind, telling himself to stop being dumb, he checked the time wondering when Otabek would be back.
Roughly 3 and a half hours had passed since he first left, so he's probably gonna be around another hour or so.
Yuri groaned, annoyed at the fact that the older man always had to go to that "special market" Just to get basic necessities.

Yuri lay on the couch squeezing the pillow so tight it looked like it'd burst, when he heard the jiggling of a key in the door knob, Yuri immediately sat upright, starring intensely at the shaking door. 

Otabek walks in carrying a truck load of bags like he dose every time he shops, Yuri gets up to help him carry the groceries into the dimly lit kitchen.

The two men finished putting the groceries away in silence, after Otabek put the final item in the cupboard he turned to leave the kitchen, bumping into Yuri who was standing in the middle of the doorway with his head down blocking Otabek's exit.

"Yuri?.. are you oka-" he was cut off as Yuri suddenly pulled Otabek into a hug, his head digging into his  chest.
"I missed you.." Yuri mumbled the sound of his voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt.

Otabek relaxed into the embrace, smiling a little pulling Yuri closer, letting the younger man know how he felt purely by his actions.
Otabek wasn't exactly good with words but hoped  his actions would let Yuri know exactly how he felt.


Otabek pulled away looking down at Yuri "i saw something weird on the ground when I left for the super market, I took a picture see." Otabek pulled out his phone to show Yuri, the Russian took one look at the photo and almost fell over when he realized, it was the egg he made Otabek for breakfast.

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