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Evening arose, and Yuri was annoyed as he had to walk over to the store in a scarf. (Because of Otabek nibbling on his neck earlier in the day)
it was late April, And not exactly scarf weather but it wasn't unbearable, especially considering how hot summers get in Moscow.
Moscow is known for it's long, excruciatingly cold winters, and it's boiling hot summers that seemed to go on for years.

But because of Otabek's actions Yuri had to go to the market to buy concealer to cover the red bruises on his neck.
Yuri hadn't really bought concealer before so when he got there it was difficult for him to pick out the right tone for his skin.
He picked out a random one that looked fare enough for his skin, payed for it and left as fast as possible.

In the end when he arrived home the concealer was too dark for the pale Russians skin, it had an olive tint too it and looked horrid on him, which only annoyed the already furious man further.
Otabek on the other hand was amused by the boys attempt to cover up the love bites, he giggled under his breath a little and lay back on the couch.

"PEICE OF SHIT" Yuri yelled as he threw the concealer on the tiled floor and cleaned the makeup off his neck.

Yuri entered the living room, obviously annoyed, he looked over at Otabek whom was playing on his phone, he was leaning to the side of the couch his left elbow lay on the arm rest supporting his head and his right arm was fiddling with his phone.

Yuri scrunched his face and glared down at the emotionless man, Otabek felt Yuri's strong, furious gaze and turned to look at the Russian.
Otabek's eyes trailed to the younger mans bruised neck, he smirked at the sight of the hickeys, almost in pride.

Man was Yuri pissed off at this, Otabek assumed that Yuri would just start cussing and screaming like he normally did, but Yuri remained quiet, until his face loosened up and turned into a soft devious grin.
Otabek was surprised by the younger mans unpredictable reaction, Yuri moved towards Otabek confidence beaming off the younger man.
Otabek just starred at Yuri, his eyes slightly dilated as he watched the Russian pin him against the couch.
Yuri put his lips close to Otabek's ear and smoothly whispered " you shouldn't get so cocky.".

Before Otabek could react Yuri sunk his teeth into the nape of Otabek's  neck,
Not enough too draw blood but Otabek shivered at the sudden pain.

Yuri licked the bite mark he left, then moved to a spot right before Otabek's jawline, it was a spot that would be excruciatingly hard to cover up a hickey mark.
Yuri then locked his lips against the older mans skin sucking on it softly then a little harder to ensure he made a bruise, Yuri pulled away and smiled softly as he nuzzled into the older mans neck, " there, now we're even." Yuri whispered

Otabek's face was flushed, but he still kept the same emotionless expression plastered on, but he was blushing deeply in defeat from the younger mans actions.
"You've avenged your pride." He whispered back softly closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around the younger man, nuzzling him back.

The two wore scarves out for a week.

(Authors note)

Hey guys, sorry today's update was a little short, I hope today's update wasn't too bland, I have request for you guys.
Is there anything you would like to happen in the next chapter? I'm afraid of running out of ideas, also I'd like to hear your opinion!
Please comment if you have anything you might like to see happen next update and I will add the best ones, that either I like a lot, or a bunch of you ask for it.
This is mainly because I wanna see what you all really want out of this story, I think it'll be fun.
Thank you for reading!



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