Everyone has those days.

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"How do you feel?"
Yuri said peeking around the hall glaring at Otabek whom was laying on the couch.
"What do you mean how do I feel?.. your the one who's been sick, how do you feel?"
"Oh im fine I was hopeful that you'd be deathly ill." Yuri scoffed obviously in a bad mood, Otabek just smiled at the younger mans words giving a small chuckle under his breath.

Yuri slithered his way over to the couch where the older was laying, the Russian cuddled his head onto Otabek's chest and gripped the mans thin long sleeved shirt, "just a moment ago you where wishing that I got a chronic illness." Otabek sighed, Yuri just mumbled something back that Otabek couldn't understand, Yuri applied more pressure to the mans chest almost as to say (pay attention to me) Otabek sighed and wrapped his arms around the clinging teen, Yuri letting out a small comforting whimper as he cuddled closer to the dark haired man.

Later on in the afternoon Otabek was doing dishes as he felt himself being hugged from behind by a small familiar body, "Yuri?" Otabek said straining to look back at the younger man behind him "everything okay Yuri?" Otabek got no response aside from Yuri hugging him even tighter than before not letting go even after Otabek finished his chore.

Otabek made his way out of the kitchen Yuri still tightly glued to his back "Yuri...." Otabek sighed, Yuri tightens his grip around Otabek's back as if to say ( just a little longer) Otabek let out a long sigh and peeled the small Russian Off his back hugging Yuri tightly, the younger's arms wrapped around Otabek's neck and Yuri's legs dangled due to his short frame.

Yuri wrapped his legs around the older mans waist resting his head into Otabek's shoulder.

Otabek was confused as to why Yuri was being so clingy today, he was normally quite independent and wasn't crazy about the thought of human contact, not that he was complaining... Otabek was very much enjoying the innocent embraces of the young Russian.

Eventually Yuri and Otabek ended up napping on the couch, Yuri laying on the older fast asleep ( is it just me or do these two sleep a loottt?) Otabek whom normally wakes up before Yuri ,was still fast asleep by the time
Yuri woke up because he had been up half the night watching over a certain sick Russian.

Otabek seemed to sleep way heavier than normal whenever he's stressed, worn out, or fails to get enough rest the previous night, normally Yuri would get pissed Off and try to wake him but Yuri just lay there hugging him tightly until he awoke, Yuri was being different today really different and he seemed to have an extreme need for affection, that luckily for him Otabek was happy to share with Yuri.

((I guess everyone has those days when they just want endless affection)) Otabek thought to himself a little while after gaining consciousness, with that thought in his mind he decided to give Yuri the affections a attention he seemed to crave so badly.

Otabek pulled Yuri close to himself putting his hand on the Russians small well toned back lifting yuri's chin up and pulled the younger into a slow sweet kiss, Yuri gripping the back of Otabek's shirt adding more depth to the addictive embrace shared between the two skaters.

Yuri pulled away resting his head on Otabek's shoulder panting to catch his breath that had been taken by the older man sitting in front of him, Yuri melted into the feeling of Otabek's warm body against his own still hugging each other close Yuri may not know exactly how he fells about Otabek but he knows that he always wants to feel this way.

To be continued~~

Authors note,
Hey look! I actually did have the mental stability to write another chapter today despite all the life that was drained out of me after watching episode 11... but I ended up writing this to take my mind off of the episode.

P. S. tell me your thoughts on episode 11 if you've seen it yet I know how the server has been acting up. T~T


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