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"Yuri!" Otabek thrusted the curtains open, a harsh beam of sunlight flooded the room. Abusing Yuri's eyes as he opened them.

"What?!" He whined stuffing his face into a pillow. "Uhgg I work today why would you wake me up."

Otabek looked down at Yuri, turning the man to face him.

"W-What?" Yuri was confused and a little intimidated.
Otabek sighed and sat on the side of the bed. "Do you not remember that you haven't been to work in a week. You quit, remember ?"

(Yuri pov)
- - -
"Oh... right."
I forgot, I quit.
It's been two years since I've moved to Kazakhstan with Otabek.
We've decided to move back to Russia, to live in St. Petersburg.
Otabek's sister passed away 6 months ago and his family agreed to let us move back.
He's been really depressed ever since, even though his sister fought for so long in the end she couldn't win. Otabek's still in denial. He may seem as emotionally strong as he always has to the naked eye but I can tell on the inside he's trying to forget.
Still despite all the negatives, living in Kazakhstan has been an experience I'll never forget.
Filled with both good and well a lot of bad... I'm glad we came, but I know it's time to leave. It's best for him, and for myself.
At least I hope it is...

- - -
"What did I do? Why are you glaring at me like that." Yuri hissed.

Otabek chuckled . " I swear you're so dense in the morning. We have a flight to catch in 3 hours. I woke you up earlier before I went out, I come home to find you asleep and your suitcases still empty." He sighed and brushed Yuri's ratty fringe away from his eyes. "And you're supposed to be smart." Placing a small kiss on the man's forehead, Otabek stood up. "Now come on, you gotta finish packing."

Yuri scowled. "Fine."

- - -
The two men finished packing and called a cab, they headed downstairs to say their farewells to Otabek's family.

Midway through his grandma's lecture in healing there was a flurry of loud honking outside.
Saying their final goodbyes they headed out to the cab.

The two packed their luggage into the trunk and hopped in the car. The taxi driver was a tired looking man likely mid 20's with a pink mohawk and a tattoo of a starfish on his cheek.
"Where ya headed ?" He asked cheerfully.
"Airport." Replied Otabek.
The cab driver chucked softly "Rodger that.".

The ride to the airport took about an hour, the couple feared for their bank accounts. Through the long and expensive ass ride the driver babbled on and on asking questions and at some points simply talking to himself.

They finally arrived at the airport and said farewell to the strange taxi driver who they came to know as Joel.
Not long after, the couple boarded the plane and took their seats... it wasn't first class but it was comfortable.
It was at this point when Yuri's nerves began to kick in. He started rapidly jiggling his right leg, a sign that Otabek had learnt ment that his babe was nervous, just too prideful to show it.
Otabek placed a firm hand on his thigh "Yuri, it's okay. You don't have to be scared."
The younger man scowled.
"I'm not scared..."
Otabek smiled.
"Of course your not Yura, but just so you know planes are the safest way to travel."

"Yeah yeah I hear it every time."

- - -

Just as he had finally begun to calm down the plane began to move, and they were back to square one. As the plane finally lifted off the ground Yuri's heart fell out of his asshole and he was holding onto the seats armrest for dear life.
Otabek put his arm around him and pushed Yuri's head onto his shoulder, hugging him firmly He shushed. "You're okay".

- - -

After a long anxiety induced flight the couple finally arrived in Russia. Once they finished picking up their luggage at that baggage claim they looked around for their ride.
"Yurio! Otabek! Over here!" Called a familiar pair of voices. They turned around to see Victor and Yuuri, good friends of Yuri's from a few years ago, though he hates to admit it.

As soon as they came close they were bombarded with hugs. "We missed you guys!" "It's been two years!" "Why didn't you visit??"
Bla bla bla bla...
Otabek thought it was sweet how much they had missed them , Yuri on the other hand doesn't particularly like sweet.
After a bit of catching up at a near by cafe they got in Victor's car and headed to their new home.

- - -

Lucky for them Victor was much too generous with his ridiculously huge bank account. He had found them a nice apartment and payed the first few months rent for them, so they have the time to look for new employment and get back on their feet. Victor really was too nice sometimes.

Yuri and Otabek got out of the car and thanked their friends for everything they'd done for them. Victor handed them their keys and him and Yuuri said their farewells.

The two men opened door to their unit and peeked inside. Upon observation they came to find that Victor had not only payed rent for the next few months, but had also fully furnished their apartment with no doubt expensive pieces.
"what the fuck?? old man Victor must have been out of his mind to buy all of this... he's gonna go broke." Yuri spat in awe.

"I doubt Mr. nikiforov could ever go broke."

"Dont call him that you sound so formal." The younger man laughed.
"This place is fucking sick though! I'm surprised Victor actually decorated according to what we'd like!"

Otabek chuckled softly.
"Yeah, it is a little out of character, I half expected to see a Barbie dream house when we walked in."

"That might be the first joke you've made since I met you."

"I seriously doubt that."

"No I think it is."


"I'm pretty sure..."

"Definitely not."

"Mhm sure thing beka. Whatever you say."


Authors note

Hey sluts, it's been a while.
While I doubt that any of you are still alive after two years of no updates I was bored and decided that for shits and giggles this story is getting a sequel.

I will warn y'all that this story will likely be very different from first one. As my tastes and style had changed a fair amount since. Speaking of... have you actually read it recently? God it is awful. Like In chapter two Otabek says he kisses Yuri when he sleeps like ?? Why did I think that that would be a good thing to write.
10/10 would not recommend.

Anyways I also can't guarantee frequent uploads, though I wish I could I know that I tend to get into ruts and stop writing for a while. So please keep yelling at me so I get off my lazy ass.

<3 bye


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