Non Stop

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"See ya." Yuri projected as he shut the door behind him, not bothering to lock it.
Otabek watched the door close and gave a quick "be safe." Before returning his attention to the book he was reading.

Yuri was headed to his grandpas house for a quick visit. it had been a while since he saw his grandfather and he missed him desperately.
Yuri told Otabek he would only be gone for a couple hours, and so Otabek sat alone, reading a novel to pass time.

Two hours, maybe three, passed without sign of Yuri. Otabek tried not to worry himself too much, Yuri was more than capable to defend himself against most people despite his petite stature. (As long as they dont find out he's ticklish)
And it was still daylight so Otabek had no reason to worry, but he did, he always did.
No matter where Yuri went no matter what time of day, Otabek always had a pit feeling, that worried himself to death whenever Yuri wasn't in his line of view.
But Yuri was probably just having fun with his grandfather and lost track of time.

As Otabek tried to rationalize things to himself there was a knock at the door, For a moment Otabek thought it might be Yuri, but then questioned why he would knock.
Yuri had a key, and the door was unlocked,
There wasn't really a reason Yuri would be knocking. Still Otabek made his way across the room and opened the door slowly.
As it creaked open he saw a bit of red hair from the crack in the door, he opened it the rest of the way to conform his suspicions.
It was indeed Mila, Yuri's rink mate. Mila is a fairly tall young woman with short, wavy auburn hair and beautiful deep blue eyes.
The smell of perfume and cherries flooded his senses.
Otabek scowled internally, but showed his normal emotion deprived expression externally.
Mila beamed a bright smile, batted her eye lashes and began to speak. "Oh Otabek! sorry to intrude, but is Yuri here? Yakov said that he would be."

"No he isn't home, sorry. He went to his grandfathers house for the afternoon." Otabek explained while blatantly pushing a piece of hair out of his face.
Mila's smile almost seemed to brighten, as she inched a little closer to Otabek. "Oh I see, that's too bad.. but you must be lonely by yourself, how's about I keep you company until he returns? I need to discuss something with Yuri anyways, and Yakov won't let me hear the end of it until I talk to him.".
Otabek sighed and hesitantly let Mila inside.
"As far as I know he should be home fairly soon." Otabek exclaimed seating himself on the couch. "I dunno.. you said he was going to his grandfathers house right? He always stays way longer than he says he will when he goes there." She replied taking a seat next to Him. Otabek just nodded as if he already knew this to be true, wishing even more that Yuri would arrive home so that Mila could leave.
It's not that he didn't like Mila he just didn't really like being around most people.

Mila admired the room, it was pretty spacious for an apartment, it had a big glass balcony door that let the daylight illuminate the room, a long pale gray couch with beige pillows to accommodate, a fair sized tv attached to the wall, a wooden and seemingly hand crafted bookshelf filled to the brim with novels, a coffee table, along with a beautiful potted plant and a tall lamp that sat by the door. The room was kind of empty which added to the spacious look, but it was indeed a very nice living space.

The two sat in awkward silence at first, but Mila being the social butterfly that she was, attempted to strike up a conversation with the introverted man in her presence.
"So, when did you and Yuri start living together?"she began casually.

"Not that long ago, but I can't really remember exactly because he visited so often it felt like he's always lived here. "

"You guys make such adorable roommates." She said while pushing a side of her wavy Burgundy hair behind her ear.

Otabek just kinda gave her an awkward smirk in reply.

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