Sugar & Salt

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Sugar & Salt  (omg I found out how to bold things )

Morning arose, Yuri hadn't slept that night, instead he sat on the chair Otabek used for his desk. Starring out the window,
the morning light peaking through the blinds.
The Russian sighed, dark circles under his teal eyes, the faint sound of breathing filled the room.

Yuri finally got up off the chair and scrambled over to the bed.
Otabek normally slept on his back, (When he wasn't cuddling with Yuri) his shoulders broad and his arms aligned with his body horizontally, he looked like a soldier in attention.
Yuri always thought Otabek looked a little too perfect.  He was strong and confident in a soft, sweet, and understanding way.

Yuri lay his own chest on the older mans, playing with Otabek's dark silky hair, and mindless drawing invisible circles on the mans chest with his finger.
Of course Otabek stayed fast asleep, yuri started feeling a bit of fatigue, but ignored it.
Yuri figured Otabek would wake up pretty soon anyways. The younger man patiently waited for the older to awaken, effortlessly Starring at Otabek's calm expression, practically drooling, bewitched by the man he held so dearly.

Otabek's dark almond eyes smoothly glided open, Yuri watched, content.
Suddenly realizing the amazing embarrassment of his own position, yuri quickly rolled off of the older man blushing deeply.

Otabek just smiled softly, and pet Yuri's hair.
The fatigue from only just awaking not seeming to affect the older man by the slightest. Yuri always thought it was suspicious how Otabek always woke up as if he'd been conscious for hours.
Otabek gently put his hand on Yuri's chin and softly directed the younger man to look him in the eyes. It only took a moment for Otabek to notice the look of fatigue and sleep deprivation in his pupils.
"Yuri, you didn't get enough sleep.. did you."

Yuri's eyes darted to the sheets avoiding eye contact. "I'm fine."
He muttered, and got out of bed.
Otabek frowned a little, and soon followed behind the Russian.

Yuri grabbed a hoodie on the way out of the room, and slid it on.
The living room was a little colder than usual today,Making Yuri cringe as his bare feet hit the cold hardwood.
"It's fucking May now, shouldn't it be getting warmer,not colder?!." Yuri spat annoyed at the room temperature.

"it's probably just something wrong with the heating vents." Otabek countered calmly.
"Mm.. I guess." Yuri replied, then sat on the couch with Otabek following his actions not long after. Otabek looked over at The Russian, the older man still had Yuri's wellbeing at mind.
"I know you're tired Yuri... you can sleep you know."
Otabek purred sympathetically, patting his lap.

Yuri debated his offer for a moment, then quickly and happily obliged, laying his head in the older mans lap letting out a long sigh. Otabek ruffled Yuri's hair soothingly, Yuri's fatigue hit it's peak, and not long after he drifted off into a deep rest.

Otabek watched as the beautiful Russian slept peacefully in his lap, Yuri's hand lightly and unconsciously gripped onto the side of Otabek's sweat pants.

Otabek loved watching Yuri sleep (woah creepy.) , it was like looking at a priceless painting, You just couldn't take your eyes off him.

Yuri slept for a long time, not waking till it was past noon.
Otabek didn't mind though, he could watch that Russian sleep forever.
Once Yuri finally woke up, he rubbed his eyes and nuzzled Further into Otabek's lap, "did you sleep well?" Otabek cooed at the waking Russian. Only getting an annoyed groan in response. "are you still tired? You can sleep more if you want." Otabek offered.
Yuri sat up and shook his head, "no, I'm fine beka.. thanks."he paused for a moment as he let the younger mans words sink in Otabek's face flushed turning red and covered his mouth with his hand, trying to hide his reaction to the new nickname Yuri had just bestowed upon him. It was weird that when he's caught off guard with little things like this. he gets flustered at something as mediocre as a nickname or a surprise peck on the cheek yet when much bolder events occur he's completely calm and cool, then again that's only true when Otabek is in control.

Yuri was a little surprised with the older mans reaction, but smirked in satisfaction.
He absolutely loved getting Otabek flustered, probably because it's extremely rare. but small things like a cute remark or surprise attacks sometimes earn Yuri a small victory.

Yuri stuffed his face into Otabek's chest softly and wrapped his arms around The older mans neck hugging him close,
"I'm hungry." The Russian whined trying to clear the silence in the room.
Otabek sighed, placed a hand on Yuri's back and stood up briefly, taking the small Russian along with him. Yuri wrapped his legs around Otabek's waist and nuzzled into the older mans neck as they headed to the dining room.

Otabek placed the lazy Russian down on a chair at the table, Yuri pouted tightening his grip around the older mans neck, Otabek sighed again, peeling the younger mans firm grip away as he headed to the kitchen.
Yuri frowned, narrowing his eyebrows in disappointment.

Several minutes pass and Otabek comes out of this kitchen with some heated leftovers from the previous day, setting the plate down in front of Yuri and joining him at the table.

Yuri thanked Otabek for the meal and began to eat. "...I've been meaning to ask...why didn't you get any rest last night?"
Otabek said as Yuri stuffed his face, the only response he got from the younger man was a slight shrug and a 'don't worry about it'

Yuri finished his meal not long after, standing up, taking his plate to the kitchen to wash it.
Otabek whom was just watching the younger man eat, got up as well but went to go sit on the couch.
Yuri washed his dishes and made his way to the restroom to wash up and brush his teeth.(like the good boy he is).

When Yuri finished refreshing, he came back to the living room and
Sat down at the opposite end of the couch to where Otabek was seated.
The two where fiddling with their phones in silence, neither of them knowing how to strike up a conversation at this point.

Both Yuri and Otabek where bored out of their minds, after a long period of silence they  simultaneously  looked up from their devices a making eye contact.
Yuri blushed mildly, then darted his eyes to the ground, Otabek didn't look away, instead he got closer, Yuri looked back at him, eyes meeting again, this time their gaze not breaking. And As if being pulled by a magnet the two leaned in even closer, their lips finally meeting.
Otabek put his hands on Yuri's hips firmly, tugging him closer to his body causing Yuri to tilt his head back a little.
Yuri gasped, and lulled away from the kiss,
He rested his head between the crook of Otabek's neck, panting as he gripped onto his shirt, cursing under his breath.

Otabek closed his eyes wrapped his arms around the Russian hugging him tightly,
A lot tighter than normal. "O-ta-be-k" Yuri struggled to speak,
Otabek immediately loosened his grip realizing his actions, he apologized, and ran his fingers through Yuri's hair softly.

Otabek could have sworn he heard Yuri purr.

Authors note

Happy new year!
I hope you guys enjoyed,
I'm sorry it took a little while to get this chapter out.
I really wanted to update one last time before 2017.
(I hope No more celebrities die.).


-coffee&desperation (whom just learned how to bold things, and is extremely excited about this fact.)

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