Chapter 25: "Dun to dun it's dumbass and motherfucker!"

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Chapter 25: "Dun to dun it's dumbass and motherfucker!"

Ta's POV

"Dun to dun it's dumbass and motherfucker!" Henry yelled as he pushed through the heavy barn doors with guns all over him. If only I was the guns. Ta snap out of it you're in a very serious situation! Henry smirked at the heavily armed men that surrounded us.

"Do you four really think you can beat me while be drunk?" A man is black said stepping out from behind some really buff men. Luke sent the boss a smirk that basically said you have no idea what is coming.

5 hours earlier

"We're going to kick their ass right?" Jason asked as he sat up while groaning in pain. I looked at him his raised eyebrows. I decided to not try to tell him to lay back down because he wouldn't listen to me. It's been about a week since he's got shot. He's still in shit shape but he doesn't seem to think that.

"Lexi would make you lay down," I told him not answering his question. He looked at me in disbelief.

"Lexi would still be here if I wasn't shot," He huffed. I gave him a really look.

"Let's be honest here Lexi and her big mouth would get her taken away soon. It was bound to happen."

"Your fucking with me right?"

"Nope that Lexi's job," I told him with a smirk. I got off the couch to go find Henry. "By the way I have to ask how do you jackoff with only one semi good arm?" He sent me a wicked smirk that said you don't even want to know.

"Let's just say I'm really missing Lexi right now." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You guys didn't even get intimate." I crossed my arms to make my statement more forward.

"Did you really just say intimate?" He asked with raised eyebrows. Slowly I nodded as he started laughing. "That's a big word for you." I chucked the nearest thing at him which happens to be a water bottle. I heard him yell in pain. Oh what a satisfying sound.

I walked into the kitchen to see Henry digging in the fridge, shirtless. Crossing my arms I leaned against the counter admiring the view. His back muscle flexing every time he moved. My mouth dried as he turned around. I wanted to jump on him like a bunny. If only we were bunnies.

"Liking the view?" He asked.

Smirking at him while shrugging I said, "Maybe just a little." Henry shook his head and laughed. I smiled back at him.

"Is Jason ok?"

"For now," I grumbled while crossing my arms.

"I'm staying out of it," He said while putting his hands in the air for surrounded. "Ready for tonight?" I turned this conversation to serious mode. He stiffened up and looked me in the eye.

"You know you don't have to do this right?"

"I want to." Henry started towards me he didn't stop till I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. If I wanted to jump on him before it's even worse now. Why does he have to be so sexy?

"I don't want you to get hurt." I rolled my eyes at him and turned around to walk away.

"Should have thought about that before you kidnapped me." Before I could make it far he grabbed and yanked on the arm, spinning me to face him. 

"I didn't have a choice," He growled in my ear. Someone getting pissed.

"Whatever," I said yanking my arm away, "I'm not a four year old, I can handle myself."  With that I stormed to my room while throwing a pillow at Jason who was making kissing noises. Those pain killed got him going every which way.

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