Chapter 4 "Protect the man boobs!"

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Chapter 4 “Protect the man boobs!”

Ta’s P.O.V

                “Rise and shine,” A bubbly voice said while skipping into my hotel room. I growled at them while snuggling farther into my comfy blankets. “Get up you lazy ass!” oh what a pleasant voice. NOT!

                “No,” I yelled at him stubbornly.


                “I have cramps!” I said adding a groan at the end. I smirked in victory when I didn’t hear him reply right away. Yes, I won! This excuse always wins!

                “Oh, umm, I will go get the girls,” he mumbled. I heard a few voices and running feet. God damn they sounded like a herd of elephants. A herd of elephants I would love to shot. I stayed curled up in the warmth of my bed trying not to move an inch so maybe they would think I’m dead. I’m never moving. I will die in this bed. I should start writing my will now.

                “Thank god!” Julia shouted. My eye brows frowned in confusion, what is she talking about?

                “You’re not pregnant!” Lexi shouted. I shot straight up the covers falling off my head. So much for being dead.

                “What?” I screeched out.

                “Well you didn’t get it last month and we all know you don’t have your v card,” Julia said chuckling.

                “You calling me a slut?” I asked with fake shock expression.

                “You’re a slut,” Lexi confirmed.

                “I know you are but what am I?” I asked sticking my tong out.

                “You’re a slut!” Julia shrieked while flapping her arms around like a bird. Too bad she can’t fly away like a bird.

                “What-eves ya’ll are hoes,” I commented while smirking as I ducked back under my covers. I started doing the Jersey Shore fist pump under my shelter, not the smartest idea I’ve ever had.

                “Go and crap on your tampon!” Julia shouted while stomping her foot like a five year old. Someone is having a tantrum.

                “Calm down ladies, I know I’m hot but you don’t need to fight about me. There is enough of me to go around,” Justin said wiggling his eye brows as he walked into my room.  Why is everyone coming to my room? This needs to stop before I shot them. Not that I actually have a gun.

                “Eww,” Lexi said with a disgusted face. Justin raised his hand to his heart.

                “That hurt baby,” He said pouting, trying to look hurt but not pulling it off. I shook my head while throwing a pillow at him. Justin turned around to glare ay me.   

                “We need to leave soon,” Jason said walking into the room with his Mr. Tough guy act on.

                “We need to go to Walmart,” Lexi told him. I could already tell she loved to get under his skin. That a girl!

                “Why?” Jason asked annoyed as he glared at her. Someone hasn’t got laid in a while. Lexi would gladly help with that not that I’m volunteering anyone. 

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