Chapter Four

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Two days had passed since Aphmau had come back home. She had expanded the village as the days went by. Garroth had slowly been getting better and was currently resting in fear of a certain medic. Aphmau was busy at the moment decorating the village and officiating some marriages. Overall it was a peaceful day in the village.

Y/n was not having a peaceful day however, Kanna had come back home with a 'present'. It's not very pleasant to wake up to a dead rat in your face. After cleaning that horrible mess up Y/n decided to finally get out of bed. Opening the door Olivia did not expect to see a fully pregnant woman and her husband. The man had a panicked expression on his face and his wife seemed to be extremely uncomfortable.

"You're the doctor of this village right?!?" Y/n's face fell. They weren't expecting her to help deliver this baby...right?

"That I am-"

"That's great please help my wife! We've never had a child before and I don't know what I'm supposed to do!" Y/n wanted to cry. Sure she is a medic but she isn't a midwife, however, these people seemed stressed and Y/n didn't want them to panic.

"That's alright sir but let's head to your house first, the baby should be born there rather than here."The man was quick to nod and help his wife down the hill.

Y/n reached for her bag and left the house with the two. Reaching their house she had the man get a bucket of water and some cloth. She had never delivered a baby before and had a vague idea of how to from the books that she has read.


That was the longest labor Y/n had ever experienced, Slyvia, the mother was in labor for 18 hours! There was a certain complication with the pregnancy seeing as the baby was a breech baby. Her first delivery and of course, it didn't go as planned. She wasn't going to blame the mother for this though as it wasn't her fault the baby was this way. After she had turned the baby around in the womb everything went smoothly. Finally, the baby was born. It had tuffs of bright brown air and chubby little hands. It was cute despite all the blood around it.

Y/n cleaned the baby and handed it off to the parents telling them how often they should clean and feed to baby and when to come to her for health reasons. Seeing as it was dawn and the sun was just now starting to come back up Y/n made her way back home. Making her way up the hill to her and Aphmau's house she paused at the front door.

In front of the door was a box. Now what was weird about it was not the box, but what was inside. Incoherent babbling came from the box as the baby inside swatted at the strings attached to the box. The baby had bright blue eyes and blonde curly locks. It seemed about a few months old at the point, she would guess about 6-7 months. 

"What in Irene's name?" The girl muttered picking the baby up from the box. A name tag fell from the box, reaching down to pick it up Y/n read the name "Levin" the baby giggled when he heard the name.

Taking a moment to think Y/n adjusted how she was holding the baby, making sure he wouldn't fall out of her hands. The baby laughed in delight as he was picked up, reaching for Y/n's hair and tugging on it. Y/n ignored the baby as it played with her hair, opening the door she was greeted by Aphmau.

"Hey, Y/n where were you last night I was worried- Is that a baby? WERE YOU PREGNANT?!?"

"Hell no! He was just left outside of the house, I have no idea whose child this is. Someone just left them in front of the house"

"Who would just leave their kid like that?" Aphmau spoke looking down at the baby in Y/n's arms.

"I have no clue" The girl replied.

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