Chapter Seventeen

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Y/n stretched her arms above her head hearing her shoulder crack as she did so. It had been a day or two since she was kicked out of her house because Nana wanted it to be a surprise. She had been staying with Cadenza since then. While waiting for the house to be finished she and Aphmau had been working on a barn for Kiki.

That little animal pen she had was not sufficient enough for all the animals she had. They felt as if she deserved better so they got to work on the barn. Today was the day they, well more like she, would be showing her the house. Aphmau was going to check out the house first and set up all the furniture. 

Y/n quietly got out of the bed trying not the wake Cadenza and left the house, she would eat something later. Walking down towards the plaza Y/n spotted the redhead calling her over. Kiki was ecstatic. She was practically bouncing as they made their way towards the bright red building. Y/n smiled at the girl telling her to close her eyes as they walked towards it.'

Y/n carefully guided the girl to where she wanted her to stand before telling her to uncover her eyes. Slowly Kiki did so and gasped placing her hands over her mouth. The barn was humongous easily towering over most of the village houses. The barn was red with some white accents here and there, and the roof was made out of stone. 

"Do you like it?" Y/n asked nervously fidgeting with her fingers.

"Like it..? I LOVE it! I finally have a home of my own for myself and my little animal friends. This means so much to me, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kiki said throwing herself at the girl.

Y/n let out a laugh as she hugged that animal lover back. Suddenly a horde of animals appeared behind the girls. They ranged from turkeys, hampsters, insects, foxes, ducks, and many more. It looked like Aphmau and Y/n might have to make an extension if Kiki ever wanted to get more animals. Kiki carefully guided each animal to where it was supposed to go before thanking Y/n and her sister once more.

"Where did these animals all come from?" Y/n asked Kiki.

"Lately the forces of nature seem in perfect balance like it's satisfied as if it prevented something horrible from happening. Things are slowly feeling normal, well to me at least. does that sound weird?"

"No, you are more attuned with nature than anyone I know"

"Thanks, Y/n! Now guess what time it is!"

"The baby shower?"

"Yep! I'll start getting things ready here. I should be done in a few hours. Don't forget to remind the villagers"

"You got! it see you later" Y/n said leaving the barn.

Now it was time to go and see how her house had turned out. She had already caught a glimpse of it when she was at Kiki farm but now she got to see it up close. Making her way up the cobbled stairs she glanced up at the house. It was gorgeous. It had spruce pillars running along the sides while the walls were made of stone. The second floor was made out of the same spruce but the walls were a beige color. It even had a little chimney.

While Y/n was busy marveling at the house Nana called for her asking how she liked it. The girl replied like how anyone would when given such a beautiful house. To be honest, Y/n was a little scared Nana would make her house like hers but it was quite different. It gave off cottage vibes despite its big size. 

"I'll leave you to go see the inside while me and Brendan head home, but I have a question for you before you do" Y/n nodded letting Nana continue on "I talked to Laurence while we were renovating the inside. Do you think you can make sure he comes to the party? he seemed so sad inside"

"Oh yeah, that's no problem I'll see you at the party, Nana!"

"Caio!" And with that Nana and Brendan were off.

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