60. couvade syndrome

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"Doctor, can I ask you something?", Rosé asked when Jungkook left her in the doctor's office after he got a call from work that afternoon.

The doctor smiled and nodded, "What is it, Mrs Jeon?"

Rosé looked at the door, hoping that Jungkook will have a long conversation outside so she can talk with the doctor about the thing that has been bothering her mind these few weeks.

"Mrs Jeon? Is there..anything wrong?", the doctor put down her pen to focus on Rosé.

"Umm...it's about my husband. Lately, I saw him a bit...weird or different. At first, I'm not really sure of the cause so I tried to search about it.", she began telling. "He had back pain and vomiting a few times. And I can see he's a bit more stressed than he used to. I mean when he's stressed, I know how he is but there's this one day, I saw him coming home sighing a lot but he didn't want to tell me anything about it when I asked him. He usually will open up to me but that night, he didn't. And when I was awake at 3 in the morning, I found him in his office room and he was massaging his head. Is he...having couvade syndrome, doctor?", she finished with a sad tone of worriedness.

The doctor nodded, "Back pain, vomiting, stress..yeah, they can be the symptoms to that syndrome. You're right, Mrs Jeon."

Rosé sighed, "Is there any way I can help him, doc? He looked so different since I got into the third trimester and it's been two months he's been like that."

The doctor shook her head, "Actually there's no exact treatment for this, Mrs Jeon. And it's quite common for the husband to have this syndrome especially when it's the first baby. As for your case, maybe he's just worried more because you're carrying twins. You don't have to be worried about it too much, Mrs Jeon. The syndrome will go away when you give birth later. If you are concerned about the syndrome, you can talk with your husband. Ask him to share what he's feeling. That might be helping."

Rosé nodded quietly before Jungkook came back into the room to join them.


Jungkook was busy working in his office room until he fell asleep in there at midnight. Rosé was already sleeping early that day so she did not realized the emptiness beside her on the bed. Only when she woke up at 2 in the morning due to the need of using the toilet, she found that Jungkook was not sleeping beside her.

She already knew where to find him so she went straight to his office room. When she got in there, she found him sleeping in front of his laptop with his head rested on his hands. She slowly approached him and watched him quietly for a while.

He seemed exhausted and that saddened Rosé to see him like that. She knew he was working so hard for their family even though she already told him that she did not want him to tire himself out for her. He always wanted the best for her and for their future family.

A tear escaped Rosé's eye as she kept watching her husband and thought of how hard he had been working these past few months for them. If he allowed her to work, maybe she will feel less sad and maybe he will not be too busy like now.

"Jungkook...honey, wake up..", slowly Rosé touched Jungkook's shoulder to wake him up from sleeping in front of the laptop.

"Hmm...Chaeyoung?", Jungkook said groggily as he raised his head and turned to see her. "Hey...what are you doing here, cupcake?", he asked as he slowly pulled Rosé to embrace her in his arms.

Rosé let his hands roamed around her big tummy before she felt him pulling her to sit on his lap.



"Let's go to the bed. You'll feel sore if you sleep here, honey.", she told him as she put her hands on his hands.

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