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Taehyung's POV:

Delicious and nutritious food for Jungkook!

It's been about a week since I bought and started studying a nutritional cookbook as well as researching about vegetables online. But lately, his condition has been strange.

He has been spaced out, like he's not getting enough sleep and his features are dark. He seemed fine when eating lunch, but he didn't seem well at all before and afterwards.

So I suspected that Jungkook was suffering from anemia or malnourishment. And although May was almost over, it could also be the May blues, so I tried to use recipes that helped with those.

But his condition persisted and whenever I asked him about it, he just said he was fine and didn't want to say anything further. I felt like I shouldn't push him too much, but it was frustrating to be so powerless.

Today, I was holding a bento that I made with a desire to help him and headed to the empty classroom like usual. But I was a little worried.

Looking out the dark window made me even more worried. There was gym after lunch today, but at this rate it was gonna rain so it would likely be indoors.


While I was walking down the hallway and staring out the window, I heard a voice behind me. Turning around, there was a male student with a crewcut. He was in my class and the basketball club- the one I bumped into the other day... His name was J-hope, I believe.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's just that I accidentally broke your pencil case when I ran into you the other day. So I wanted to ask what you like so I can buy you a new one..."

J-hope looked apologetic. I shook my head.

"Don't worry. I actually have a new one, so it's okay."

"Um... Oh, then let me pay you back!"

"No, don't worry about it. I was also careless, so it wasn't just your fault. I'm just glad that neither of us got hurt."

He muttered a, "but..." and didn't seem satisfied. But after repeating the exchange, he eventually nodded.

"Sorry. I meant to talk to you right away, but there was stuff like the basketball club suspension that I was busy with..."

"Basketball club suspension? Why?"

"Apparently there were some pictures of the upperclassmen drinking in the club room... Both the advisor and the principal were mad, so even though us first years had nothing to do with it, all our club activities got suspended. Just when I thought we were going to make it to nationals for the first time..."

"That sounds... horrible."

This high school was new, but I heard before I enrolled that they put a lot of effort into hiring a good athletic coach... I didn't know much about J-hope, but I was sure he was an amazing player, since he was able to compete as a first year.

"I really am sorry."

"It's okay. Well then, bye."

I went to leave J-hope, but he tilted his head in confusion.

"Wait, where are you going, Taehyung? The classroom and cafeteria are the other way..."

"Yeah. I just have a few errands."

"I see."

J-hope was a boy, but if I told him I was going to eat with Jungkook and the word got out to everyone, then I wouldn't be able to enjoy a leisurely lunch with him anymore.

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