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His arms were behind his head as support as he laid down. He just couldn't seem to get the girl from out of his head. What was this feeling? He sighed, closing his eyes. This place was bad but it wasn't like his life before it was any better.

His dad used to own a big company that owned multiple stores in the city. He was rich and had a good life. That was until his dad went bankrupt from fraud, the man leaving the entire country without his wife or son. Donghyuck was practically stalked by his dad's employees because they wanted to find his father. Hell, some even took their anger out on him.

His mom couldn't take the amount of threats they got. She told Donghyuck that she was going
shopping— her body being found washed up on the shore days later. It tore Donghyuck apart. The shining, bright boy had became emotionless. He lost how to feel. The boys tried to help him as much as they could but, Donghyuck just couldn't do it.

He was numb, which is why Sage confused him so much. He hadn't felt anything for anyone in a while so why was it happening now? His only defense to this was to hate her. That didn't even work.

"Fuck it," he muttered, standing up from his bed. He quickly opened his door, making his way towards her room. Once he got to it, he knocked three times— Sage opening it after a few seconds. Her eyes were red and puffy, her nose red also. Her curly hair surrounded her face perfectly.

"What do you want?" she asked, sniffing slightly. "I said I wanted alone time."

He pushed pass her, slipping into her room. She scoffed and closed the door. "The hell is your problem?" she asked. He shrugged and sat down in her chair. He gazed at her, taking in her appearance more. He found himself doing that more lately.

Sage crossed her arms. "You came in here to be fucking silent?"

"You give me a fucking headache," he muttered, rubbing his forehead.

"Then why are you in here Donghyuck?"

He wouldn't ever admit that he liked the way his name rolled off of her tongue. He looked back up at her, an unrecognizable look on his face. "Chenle wanted me to check up on you."


She let out a breathy laugh. "You know you can care about my well-being without saying someone forced you too." She took a step closer to him. "Jeno told me about your dinner fiasco. Renjun wasn't even awake to think about getting me food. If Chenle wanted to see how I was doing he would've came."

He stood up. "Do you ever shut up?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Do you ever admit your actual feelings?"

A silent rose between them as they stared at each other. Donghyuck squinted his eyes. "You mean nothing to me."

"Then why did you save me from Kai! You keep fucking confusing me by saying you hate me and then proceeding to make sure i'm alright. Stop fucking doing that," she yelled.

"I'm trying!" he argued back. "I'm fucking trying to."

"To hate me or to care about me?" she asked, her voice lowering.


His voice slightly cracked, her eyes immediately softening. She noticed the tears that had began to form in his eyes. "I'm so sorry Sage," he breathed out. He let his head fall down, Sage coming closer to him. "I'm sorry I'm-"

She wrapped her arms around him, his head finding it's way to her shoulder. "It's okay to cry Hyuck." Those five words broke him— his sobs becoming vocal. It hurt her to feel his body shake as he cried, hiccups forming also. What was he going through? She rubbed his back softly, trying to comfort him.

"I'm a terrible person," he mumbled.

She shook her head. "You're not and you never have been, okay? You're just misunderstood that's all."

He let go of her hug, quickly wiping his eyes. She smiled softly. "Both of our noses are red now," she told him, tapping his nose. He laughed lightly.

"Thank you Sage."

She nodded slightly. "Thank you for saving me earlier Donghyuck."

"Friends...?" he asked, his eyes looking away from her.

"Friends," she smiled.

"If we are friends then that means I can have cuddling sessions?" he asked, the woman slapping him. "No!"

He pouted. "Why not?"

"Because you told everyone about me cuddling you in my sleep."

"But I liked it," he muttered under his breath. She raised an eyebrow.


"I liked it. It was nice to have that in our situation," he explained. She nodded.

"One night."

Donghyuck smiled and jumped on her bed, making her laugh. She followed him, a big smile on her face. He seemed brighter, more lively. His arms instinctively wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer once she got under the covers. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder, Donghyuck letting his head rest on her chest. He was practically the little spoon.

"You're a softie," she laughed out, closing her eyes.

"No i'm not."

"Goodnight Donghyuck."

"I'm not!"

She ran her hand through his hair, shutting the man up almost immediately. Her hand continued to do so, the man falling into a deep slumber. She eventually went to sleep also, her hand laying in his hair.


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