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She got up, heading to the bathroom to brush her teeth. After she did so, she walked out of her room and went straight to the medical room. Sage quietly opened the door, taking a peak into the room. Kun laid on the bed, his eyes on the Tv. He eventually noticed her, waving her in.

"Did you just wake up?" he asked, Sage nodding in response as she walked into the room more. She assumed that her cheeks and eyes were still puffy from tiredness.

"I was just checking up on you," she said, giving him a small smile. She didn't know why she felt so comfortable with the man. He just seemed safe to talk to.

"I'm good, Jungwoo and Doyoung are letting me get out of the bed later on."

"That's good," she started off. "I have a question Kun."

"What is it?"

"Why did you and Taeyong leave on bad terms?" she questioned. "It seemed like you would have rather died in that warehouse than come back here with me."

Kun sighed. "Before we had escaped, me and Taeyong ended up arguing badly. Everyone was stressed out and it was getting towards our heads. Both of us said shit we didn't mean and it left us not talking— even when we had began our plan. This miscommunication led to someone dying while we were escaping," Kun softly said, Sage being able to hear his voice waver.

"Someone lost their life because of our immaturity and it tore our bond apart. Me and Taeyong were the closest in the group and just like that, it was gone. He told me that he wished it was me but I know now that he didn't really mean it. So after that, I branched away from the group and went to the basement and you know what happened from there."

Sage nodded. "I can see that Taeyong cares about you. When he saw you I had saw someone in his eyes that i've never seen before. I know it's hard to but when you get a chance, talk to him. You have a second chance to get your friend back. You cant change the past but you can change the future."

Kun thanked her as she stood up, the curly haired woman heading out of the door soon after.

She made her way to the living room, watching as Donghyuck attempted to cuddle against Yuta— the older man pushing him away. "Try to hug me one more time and you will train a hour longer than the rest of your friends," Yuta threatened. The sight made her laugh as she sat down on the couch beside Johnny.

Yuta and Johnny were the only two that had came by, the others not needed that early in the morning. Jungwoo and Doyoung had decided that Sage would be enough to check up on Kun until they arrived later in the evening.

"Is he always like that?" Johnny asked her, Sage smiling.

"I would be concerned if he wasn't."

Donghyuck frowned and got up, walking towards Sage. He placed a kiss against her forehead before smiling. "Good morning."

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