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She opened one eye, her face laying against Donghyuck's chest. They were still in the fort along with Renjun and Jaemin who had fallen asleep in it too. The group did watch another movie after Sage scared them but instead of it being another horror movie, it was a comedy. Sage couldn't remember it because she was dozing off majority of the time, the boys silently laughing at her as she did so.

She sat up and got out of the fort, leaving the three to sleep more. The week off was a blessing in disguise. She knew that the boys were exhausted so getting the rest they needed was essential. The curly haired woman walked up to Jungwoo— rubbing her eyes as she watched him cook.

He wasn't supposed to be at their house at the this time of morning but he truly did care about Sage. She reminded him too much of a younger sister. Jungwoo wanted her be as healthy as she could which was why he got up at 8 in the morning to cook for her and the boys.

He glanced at her with a smile on his face. His dimples peeled out slightly— his messy hair in front of his eyes. "You're plate is almost done I just have to finish cooking this egg," he told her as he pointed towards the plate beside him, looking back at the egg.

She nodded. "Thank you Jungwoo."

"No problem. I do want to give you another IV fluid today just to replenish electrons but i'll do it later on. Is that fine?" he asked.

"Whatever helps us get back to the mission faster."

Jungwoo placed the now cooked egg on her plate, the woman thanking him before taking it. The plate had eggs, toast, fruit, and meat. She sat down by the island and ate slowly, not wanting to vomit from the sudden intake.

The rest of the boys eventually woke up, gathering at the table with Sage. Donghyuck of course, sat beside Sage, smiling as he watched her eat. She glanced at him and furrowed her eyebrows. "What? Is there something on my face?" she asked, attempting to wipe off any crumbs that might've been left behind around her mouth. Donghyuck grabbed her hand and shook his head.

"Nothing, you're just pretty," he softly said before letting her hand go. Sage let her head fall before quietly laughing.

Haechan returned to eating his food, glad that he had put a smile on her face. Sage had began to break down his walls that were put up a long time ago from the amount of things he went through. He found himself feeling soft whenever she was around. He didn't have to act like he was tough anymore.

After Sage was finished eating, she went upstairs and took a shower in her room. She also washed her curly hair, making sure to detangle it thoroughly. She finished showering after twenty-five minutes, putting on a sports bra and black spandex shorts that were tight dryer. She began to do her hair, applying product throughout her hair to keep it mosturized. Taeyong had bought all of them clothes and anything else they needed to the beach house so of course, she asked for hair products.

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