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Donghyuck was up under Jeno in the fort, the taller man not caring. Renjun sat alone on the couch while Jaemin sat beside Chenle. Jisung was in the kitchen, watching the popcorn pop in the microwave. Mark was also in the kitchen filling cups with juice. She walked up towards the fort and crawled in it, tapping  Donghyuck's shoulder. Once the honey skinned boy saw her, he immediately pushed Jeno and wrapped his arms around her.

Jeno grumbled to himself as he scooted away from the two. "This fort looks like it will collapse if someone blows on it," she said, snuggling up to his chest.

"Maybe if they would've helped me make the fort, it would be better," Donghyuck muttered, making sure it was loud enough for the other boys to hear.

"You were nagging when we tried to help and said you didn't need us!" Renjun argued.

"Because you were making it worse!"

"Donghyuck have you looked at the fort?"

A sheet fell from the fort, landing on Donghyuck's face. Sage stifled a laugh before moving it away from his head. "You want me to help you remake it?"


They both stepped out of the fort, fixing the sheets and making them more sturdy. Sage also placed blankets and pillow onto it to make it more comfortable. The two were done within minutes— just in time for the movie. Jisung and Mark came out of the kitchen, bringing around the popcorn and drinks. Donghyuck and Sage sat under the fort once more, Sage's head on his chest while his arms rested comfortably around her waist. His fingers glided against her stomach with comfort.

Not even five minutes into the movie, a loud scream was heard from Renjun who had been jump scared by the intro of the movie. He cursed under his breath before moving into the fort. "I'm stealing Sage Donghyuck," he mumbled, pulling the girl away from him.

Donghyuck didn't protest since the two were practically best friends. He watched Renjun cling onto Sage's arm, the girl teasing him for being scared already. Renjun shushed her, his eyes back on the movie.

Donghyuck rested his head on Jeno's shoulder, the blonde pushing him off. "Don't lay on me now," he said, crossing his arms. "You practically launched me earlier."

Donghyuck rolled his eyes before pulling his friend closer to him. "Stop being so sulky Jeno." Jeno flicked his arm but nonetheless, let Donghyuck stay where he was.

Mark eventually crawled into the fort, a big smile on his face as he found a spot. Then Jaemin decided to join, the space inside lessening. Then Chenle. Arguments started happening when Jisung piled in, Donghyuck complaining about his long limbs. They all sat huddled up in the tent, no space left between the eight.

Donghyuck let out a groan, pulling his legs closer to his body. "Renjun can I switch spots with you? I have no space."

Renjun sucked his teeth. "There's no space over here either what's the difference? You just wanna be by Sage."

Donghyuck's face heated up, the boys cheering at his embarrassment. Sage looked at Renjun, tapping his arm. "Go over there and stop teasing him."

Chenle laughed as Renjun crawled to Donghyuck's spot, pushing the boy over to Sage. "She told me to move," he muttered. "Go."

Donghyuck smiled and sat beside Sage once more, one arm around her waist while the other supported his body.

Sage was really grateful for the boys. She was happy that they set up a movie night despite the situation they were in. It was good to finally feel like things were normal.

The movie eventually went off, the TV turning off by itself. The whole room was engulfed in darkness, a high pitched scream coming from someone. "Someone get up and turn on the lights," Renjun said.

"You do it!" Chenle said.

Sage moved away from Donghyuck and sighed. "I'll be back scaredy-cats."

She stood up with a smirk on her face, the woman planning to mess with the boys. She tip toed to the lights, flicking them on and off.

"Sage? Quit that," Donghyuck whined.

The woman didn't respond as she crawled under the counter, invisible to the others. "Sage?"

It grew silent before Mark spoke up. "I'll get up."

Sage could hear his footsteps coming closer, a smirk rising. Once he stopped in front of her, she grabbed his leg— causing the man to yell.

"Oh shit!" he screamed. Sage grabbed his hand to pull him down and shushed him. "Let's prank the others," she whispered. Mark whispered an "okay"
and got under the counter with her.

"I told you all we shouldn't have picked a scary movie," Chenle whined. She could hear footsteps coming closer towards the kitchen along with back and forth arguing.

Soon the light came on, the boys screaming. Sage looked at Mark— confused because neither of them had done it. They came from under the counter to see Taeyong drenched in water, his eyes closed. Sage let out a loud laugh before slapping the floor.

"You guys are idiots oh my god," she breathed out, clenching her stomach. Mark began to laugh too as Taeyong looked at Donghyuck who had the cup in his hand.

"We watched a scary movie," Donghyuck said, smiling in hopes that Taeyong wasn't mad. The leader sighed before walking up the stairs, not a word coming out of his mouth.

"Do you all want to watch another movie?" Sage asked, standing up.



whenever the text is like "this" it's them speaking in mandarin.

fyi sage is chinese-congolese

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