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Why did he have to leave a damn hickey right in the middle of her neck? It wasn't like she had any makeup to cover it up either. She placed the hoodie on and moved her curly hair in hopes that it would cover it enough. She let out a huff before leaving her room to go downstairs.

Jaemin looked at her weirdly as she kept her head down all the way to the kitchen. She walked up to Donghyuck who was making eggs, smacking him in the back of his neck. He turned around just to laugh at her appearance.

"Take off the hoodie," he told her. She shook her head. "No."

He pretended to shiver, Sage only rolling her eyes at his antics. "I'm really cold Sage. Can I have my hoodie back?"

"You think it's funny."

He shrugged. "It is."

Her eyes gravitated towards the pan where his eggs had began to look burnt— the edges turning black. "Your eggs are burning."

He looked down, whining. "Go away you're distracting."

She smiled before placing a small kiss on his chin, leaving the boy to cook. Sage didn't know what her and Donghyuck were. Of course they had feelings for each other but they never had a talk about where they stood. With everything going on, it was best to stay how they were.

Sage plopped onto the couch beside Taeyong, stealing the remote from him. He looked at her and began to open his mouth but shut it— giving up before he even started. She honestly reminded him of a little sister. She would find any and every chance to annoy him but he didn't mind, he found it cute.

She changed the channel to Animal Planet which was showing something about dogs. He watched as her eyes light up from the puppies wandering around carelessly. "Before this, I use to feed this stray dog in the neighborhood everyday after work but one day he just went missing," she pouted.


She nodded. "I guess the neighbors didn't want any other dogs to wander into the neighborhood so they probably took him to the shelter," she explained. "I think I cried for two hours that day," she laughed out. Taeyong smiled.

After a few minutes, Donghyuck handed the two a plate full of food— the duo thanking the man. They ate and conversed about animals, Donghyuck listening as he ate his food at the island. He was so fond of that girl.

After a five hour long medical training session, Sage was more than exhausted. She just wanted to sleep. She had already taken a shower, the woman wearing a long sleeve shirt she had stolen from Donghyuck and shorts that felt like velvet. She had her curly hair placed into a ponytail— a few strands escaping it. Her drowsy body found its way to Donghyuck's door. She didn't want to sleep alone. She knocked and heard a faint "come in."

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