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She was upset if she was honest. He had been instructed to do a mission overnight but after he came back, he hadn't bothered to talk to the woman. He would remain quiet during breakfast, leaving soon after he finished eating without a word exchanged. He gravitated away from her every time the group was together.

She was hurt. The two had just stated to become actual friends. Was it because of what happened in her bathroom? The group had noticed the tension between the two but didn't say anything in fear of making it worse.

Sage sat in the empty arena, her knees to her chest as she thought silently. She let out a heavy sigh, letting her head fall down. With the boys either completing task or missions, she felt even more lonely. Donghyuck and Chenle were the only ones not doing anything but, one of them wouldn't even speak to her.

She wiped a single tear that had escaped her eye, scoffing at herself. "Why do you care so much?" she asked herself, pulling her head up. "You're not even close to him," she scoffed out.

She noticed a familiar brown haired man come into the arena. He didn't notice her since it was a big place and she was sitting in the top seats. He sat in one of the seats, slumping into it. Did he always come here? He opened his mouth, singing loud enough to where she could hear it.

It was the same song that he was singing in her shower. Sage hadn't heard it on the radio nor online so she wondered if he had made it himself. His voice was smooth as he showcased each emotion with each lyrics.

"Love Sign, Love Sign, Love Sign," he sung.

His voice that once echoed through the arena suddenly stopped, Sage furrowing her eyebrows. He wobbled a bit before falling, catching himself on the chairs. She didn't waste any time to run down the stairs, making sure that he was okay.

"Donghyuck?" she called out, his face scrunching. She got closer, hesitantly placing her hand on his arm. He flinched, his body tense. He stood up and looked at her, his state shocking her. His under eyes were purple from sleep deprivation. His lips were cracked and chipped. He seemed pale. "Go away Sage," he breathed out. His body collapsed once more, Sage catching him.

She tightly wrapped her arms around his abdomen, his head falling into the crook of her neck. "I told you to go away," he muttered with the strength he still had.

"Hyuck what happened?" she asked softly, ignoring his words.

She set him down in a chair, his eyes meeting hers for the first time in days. "Why do you care so much?" he softly asked. "I've treated you like shit and you still care."

"Because I know this isn't really how you feel," she stated. "Why won't you let yourself feel Donghyuck?"

"Because those feelings you cherish can be taken from you in a heartbeat. I cant lose again."

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