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She felt awkward almost. She had to address the boys of her mother and the file she she had stolen from Ground One with the help of Jeno who had no idea what was in it. It had been a few days since the mission and she knew she couldn't keep it a secret any longer. Her hazel eyes trailed over to Jisung who slightly nodded, giving her strength in this tense situation.

She sighed and began to speak in front of the boys. "The night we were ambushed by Ground One, Jisung pulled me to the basement. He had found a study that documented the first experiment that Ground One had ever done. Before we could print out the entire study, the power shut off so we barely have any true evidence," she told them. "Her name is... was Zhong Hua. It was conducted in 2008 and the experiment was considered a fail although she had the same attributes as Kai; abusive and rage filled."

Mark straightened his posture. "How do you know about her attributes if you don't have a lot of information from the study?"

"Because she's my mother," she breathed out. "Hell my real name isn't even Sage if i'm telling the truth tonight."

"What is it?" Chenle asked.

"Zhong Ruolan. I didn't like how she used my name when she would taunt me so I changed it."

The room was filled with an awkward silence. Sage set the file down on the table and cleared her throat. "Me and Jeno got this file from the mission we just went on but there's no telling what's in it. I just wanted to let to let you all know about the other file in case there is something else in here."

She could tell that they connected the dots. That she was abused by her mom. Their faces had became softer, as if they had began to feel sorry for her and she hated it. "Please don't treat me any different. We all have past traumas okay?" she said, opening the file.

The boys nodded and Taeyong came closer to her, reading it out loud to the members.

Eve began as an old computer stored in a small basement. As studies began to progress, so did the files on this computer. Scientists hired began to build new technology in order to store more information. There was no use of the old computer after they built a system that was smarter than anyone on the planet. They named it Eve. Eve is able to hack systems, alert break ins, track people, and talk in full conversations with humans.

It became a fully functional AI program. The next step was to create a body for Eve. Researchers began to make one based off of the body of Zhong Hua, the initial experiment. Eve however, was too smart for everyone's good. During the process of building her body, it set off the alarming system, killing every scientist who operated on it at the moment.

Its body was never finished but it stated that it, "liked it better like that.". Eve only listens to its commander.

Eve looked like her mother? And who the hell was it's commander? Sage felt nauseous, her head spinning with every thought that raced through her head. Taeyong noticed the woman step over her own feet, his concern growing. The last thing she saw was complete darkness as her eyes rolled back.


Sage woke up in the medical bay of the beach house, letting a small huff out of her mouth. Jungwoo had connected her to an IV drip which annoyed her honestly. It sat uncomfortably in her arm and she knew it was feel worse if she tried to get up.

Jungwoo walked in with his arms crossed. She looked away knowing that he was about to lecture her. He let out a scoff before coming closer to her bed. "You're dehydrated and you've barely eaten anything these last few days. You think I wouldn't notice? Not only that but with the way you are training, it's nots helping in your favor Sage. When'd you start being so reckless?" he asked.

She looked up at him before rolling her eyes. "I'm fine Jungwoo."

"You passed out!" he exclaimed. "No training for the next week Sage. That's orders from me and Taeyong. You don't understand how bad of a condition you are in."

"What?" she asked, squinting her eyes to see if he was serious.

"You want me to make it two?" he questioned. She scoffed.

"You can't do this Jungwoo. Please," she begged.

He shook his head. "Nothing is more important than your health Sage. I care too much about you as a friend and new teammate. I know finding out what happened to your mother and why she was involved in Ground One means something to you but you can't figure it out if you aren't to the best of your health. One week Sage." He walked out of the door, leaving the teary- eyed woman to her thoughts.

As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. She was losing herself trying to find out more about her mother. She hated that she had began to care about the woman again. Her sobs escalated— the boys hearts breaking as they could hear it from outside of the room.

Donghyuck knocked on her door, letting out a sigh as he heard her say "go away." He opened the door anyway, setting a tray of food on her night table that was beside her. He sat down with a soft gaze on her. Her eyes were puffy and red. He gently grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Taeyong cooked so I brought you a plate," he told her, gesturing to the full plate. She looked at it before removing her gaze.

"I'm not hungry."

"Baby you've got to eat. The sooner you get better the sooner we can figure all of this out okay?"

Baby. She unknowingly smiled at his words before grabbing the plate. Donghyuck smiled before leaning back in his seat to get comfortable. "Do you want to have a movie night with the boys tonight?" he asked her. She looked up at him with her puffy cheeks and nodding, unable to speak with the food in her mouth.

Donghyuck found her cute. She swallowed her food and began to speak. "You all won't be tired from training?"

"Sage, all of us are suspended as of right now."

She frowned, letting her fork drop to her plate. "Taeyong didn't have to do that."

"He didn't," the man began. "We asked him too. There was no point of us training if there is no missions to train for anyway. Plus, I would be to worried about you to train," he said lower than his first statement.

She placed her half empty tray of food down before opening her arms, her hands open. Donghyuck chuckled before giving her a hug. He kissed her cheek a few times before sitting back down.

"Jungwoo said you can leave whenever that IV drop is finished off. When he takes it out, just come to the living room okay?" he said, standing up. She nodded.

"See you later Haechan."

He tilted his head. "Haechan?"

She smiled. "I told you the name fits you."

GROUND ONE • LEE DONGHYUCK •Where stories live. Discover now