Chapter 49

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Chapter 49: Rising Stars Cup Finals

Chang Rongxuan returned to his room and immediately changed his ticket. Then he called his friend and Internet cafe partner, "I won't be going back immediately. Help me look after the Internet cafe."

The other person wondered, "Didn't you fail to make it to the top four? What are you doing in the capital? You won't be able to take orders this way."

Chang Rongxuan laughed. "Brother, I won't be picking up passersby to play with me in the future. I will be accompanying top players, the type that ordinary people can't invite. Hahaha!"

The other person was confused. "What top players? Have you not woken up yet?"

Chang Rongxuan kept him in suspense. "It is a secret and I can't tell you yet. Wait a few days and watch the news. In any case, help me with the snacks at the Internet cafe and I will come back later to do a handover. After that, I will be staying in the capital to work."

From now on, he would be the assistant coach of the national team.

Accompanying the national team was a legendary experience, right?

Chang Rongxuan was in a happy mood as he lay on the bed. He remembered when the first public beta of Gun King was released eight years ago. He had just come into contact with the game and was deeply attracted by the hot blooded world of guns and bullets. He loved to play a medic, carrying a first aid kit through the arena. He rushed to the 2500 segment in the first season on his own.

Being able to get to the 2500 segment as a lone medic was rare. Just as the first Gun King Professional League started to be held, Chang Rongxuan ran to a club to introduce himself. As a result, the club coach told him, 'You are somewhat talented but unfortunately, you are too old to play professionally.'

He didn't give up and ran to almost all the clubs with some reputation in the country. Unfortunately, he was turned away from all of them.

There was no way to change his age and he could never make up for the regret in his heart.

He had to watch the game every year. He would be happy when watching the young people fighting on the field.

Unexpectedly, after eight years, he was actually discovered by the 'talent scout'! God Wing was right. Wasn't becoming a coach to train a new generation of players another way to realize his dream? He would do his best to assist Coach Jiang.

Chang Rongxuan opened his phone with mixed feelings and sent Jiang Shaoyu a row of 'thank you' emojis: Thank you Coach Jiang for your appreciation. I am really too flattered.

Jiang Shaoyu replied: You're welcome. I'll have to ask you for more help in the future.

Chang Rongxuan: That is a must! Coach Jiang, just casually arrange what I need to do when I enter the national team.

Jiang Shaoyu was much younger than him but he could see that the other person was a very strong head coach with clear thinking. He believed that the national team's coaching team led by Jiang Shaoyu would welcome the new players who came to the national team with a new look.

He really couldn't wait to see the children of this national team!

At 7 p.m. the next day, the final four of Pei Feng, Hua Ran, Gui Siyang and Lin Ke came to the competition venue together.

Today was the weekend and the audience for the finals was obviously larger than it was yesterday. The venue was very lively. Pei Feng's fans held up posters to cheer for him and there were also many viewers holding posters that said 'The legend of ACE will live forever'. It seemed that the old fans of ACE had come to cheer for Pei Feng.

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