Chapter 50

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Chapter 50: The Final Showdown

This all-sniper Skyscraper map had more than 20 sniper points and was very suitable for snipers to set up their guns and open the scope. There were many tall buildings on the map and the narrow alleys between buildings were very suitable for melee players to hide and scout. Such comprehensive maps often appeared in team battles.

The audience was no stranger to this map. In the last World Series, the Chinese and US teams faced each other on this map in the group stage.

In this game, the sniper rifle chosen by Gui Siyang was DSR-Netherworld.

There were several types of sniper rifles in the game. The DSR had a long range and the accuracy was very high, so it was very popular with players. The advantage of the MSG selected by Pei Feng was that it could shoot continuously after opening the scope. Its gun body was the lightest and it was suitable for mobile combat.

For the secondary weapon, Pei Feng chose the heavy sniper rifle ‘Balot-Jungle Hunter’ while Gui Siyang chose the FR-Ghost, which had a fast reload speed and stronger destructive power. It was a sniper duel so he didn’t have to worry about the opponent coming close to him to fight. The key lay in the accuracy of the bullets and the timing of each shot.

For a sniper duel, bringing two sniper rifles was a regular operation.

For the third weapon, Pei Feng chose smoke bombs while Gui Siyang had flash bombs. Both interfered with the opponent’s vision.

The two of them were ready and the map loaded.

At this time, the professional players of many clubs in the professional league had opened up the live stream room to pay attention to this match. No matter whether it was the strongest youth camp trainee Gui Siyang or Fred, the heir of God Wing, these two had the level of professional players and it was a top sniper duel.

Pei Feng was born in the upper left corner of the map while Gui Siyang was in the lower right corner.

The range of the sniper rifle could cover most of the map. They couldn’t see the opponent with the naked eye, but as long as they opened the 8x scope of the sniper rifle, they could still observe the opponent’s position. Therefore, the movements of both people were very cautious.

Pei Feng moved quickly in a Z-shaped position and hid behind a building. This was followed by a smoke bomb to cover his position as he quickly climbed to the sniper point on the other side.

Gui Siyang had already found a sniper position. Once he saw the direction of the smoke, he immediately set up his gun and opened the scope.

Fred didn’t appear in his vision so he didn’t shoot rashly. He quickly turned the gun to look around.

The snipers were too far away from each other to hear their footsteps.

Pei Feng didn’t find his opponent so he jumped down decisively. He moved from the upper left corner to the upper right corner in a very short time. He crossed a quarter of the map and rapidly climbed up a tall building, occupying a sniper point in the upper right corner. He set up his gun and opened the scope, but he still didn’t find Gui Siyang’s location.

Three minutes passed in the game and there were no gunshots on the map.

However, the nervous movements of the two snipers had already touched the hearts of the audience.

The commentator Xiao Hu said, “Fred is investigating. Little Demon seems to have sensed that something is wrong and has jumped off the sniper point.”

Ah Yan added, “Little Demon is worried about his position being exposed. He moved to the left and found a sniper position on the left side to set up the gun.”

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