Chapter 125

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During dinner time, Hua Ran asked Shu Chen suspiciously, "Brother Chen, why didn't Coach Jiang come today?"

Shu Chen guessed: "Yes, he should be busy with a meeting, right?"

While they were chatting, he saw Pei Feng walking towards the door with two packing boxes, Hua Ran beckoned to him: "Captain, aren't you eating here?"

Pei Feng smiled and said, "Well, you can eat, I'll pack it back."

Seeing Pei Feng hurriedly leaving, Hua Ran scratched his head suspiciously, and whispered, "Brother Chen, did you notice, he packed two dinners."

Of course Shu Chen found out that the lunch box for the national team's canteen was separated from rice, vegetables, and soup. Pei Feng carried one in each of his left and right hands, and ate one for himself, while the other was obviously for others.

Thinking of Jiang Shaoyu's absence today, Shu Chen said, "The other, the other, may be for Brother Yu."

Hua Ran said with emotion: "Coach Jiang is so busy, so busy that he even has to pack and deliver meals to his apprentices."

They all felt that "Coach Jiang didn't show up, he must be busy".

But he didn't know that after Jiang Shaoyu was marked by Pei Feng at this time, in order to adapt to Alpha's pheromone, his body adjusted itself, and his low-grade fever was repeated, and he was sleeping in the dormitory.

Pei Feng entered the password and walked into the room, first fed Jiang Doudou a can of meat, and then came to the bedroom.

Jiang Shaoyu slept in a daze, his pajamas slipped halfway, exposing large white shoulders from the bed, and sleeping with his eyes closed, he was very sexy.

Pei Feng looked at him like this, his heart pounding. Master is usually serious and indifferent, but when he sleeps, his mouth is dry, and he doesn't even know he is in bed... I can't think about it any longer!

In the past, when he looked at Master, he never dared to have any evil thoughts, and he only had respect in his heart. Since he marked him twice, he now looks at Master, in addition to respect, more... adult thoughts.

Yes, he is no longer the young boy he used to be. He is an adult Alpha who can protect the master. He can mark the master and possess the master.

If Jiang Shaoyu knew that his apprentice had such rebellious thoughts, would he punish him for kneeling on the keyboard?

Pei Feng quickly chased away the chaotic thoughts in his mind, and walked to the bed to wake Jiang Shaoyu: "Master, it's time to eat."

The familiar voice in his ears made Jiang Shaoyu open his eyes, and his eyes gradually recovered from dazedness. Jiang Shaoyu pulled his pajamas, sat up with frown, and asked in a low voice, "What time is it?"

"6 o'clock in the afternoon." Pei Feng said while opening the lunch box, "I came here at noon and saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't dare to wake you up. It's already dinner time, I think you should be hungry, I packed you your favorite vegetarian dishes. By the way, I have also fed Doudou."

Xiao Pei handled everything properly, Jiang Shaoyu took the chopsticks with confidence, picked up the lunch box and ate.

"How was the afternoon training?" he asked as he ate.

"Master, don't worry, there is an assistant coach to supervise, everyone is very serious. The practice game in the evening has also been arranged. Today, the training team will imitate the tactics of the Korean team, and we will play the double sniper lineup. During this time, I and Xiao Gui I keep taking time out of the double row, and the cooperation is also OK.”

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