A little something special - Part 4 - Bonaparte x Barney x Lee x Reader

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Another part of this story for Katmandew. Thank you for enjoying this imagine.

"So, are you going to tell us anymore about this sniper of yours?" Barney asked, as he and Christmas sat in Bonaparte's truck. Neither of them quite sure where they were being taken.

"I would, but whatever I could tell you wouldn't do her justice. (Y/n) is the kind of lady that has to be seen to be believed. She's a little something special." Bonaparte hummed in reply. Christmas smirking at Barney as he saw the look in the recruiter's eyes through the rear view mirror.

"Really? That doesn't explain why we have to meet her at this time of the day. Or why we seem to be heading out into the desert." Barney continued, as he looked out of the passenger side window. The sun slowly setting behind the hills. Nothing but sand appearing to be laid out before and around them.

"Well, we are meeting her at this time, because she didn't want to let the boys at the quarry down. They've moved onto the bedrock, and she's their blaster........"

"She's a blaster? I thought that you said that she was a sniper, not an explosives expert..........." Christmas interrupted. Bonaparte smiling at the Englishman through the mirror.

"She is.........she's both. I told you that (Y/n) was a lady that had to be seen to be believed. And we are driving out into the desert to find the Dead Man's Hand." Bonaparte explained. Though both Lee and Barney were sure that the explanation had made things no clearer. Barney just shrugging at his friend, as the desert continued to stretch on in front of them.


"What the hell..................?" Lee asked, as he and Barney looked out at the.........not to put too fine a point on it, dump, that Bonaparte had just pulled up in front of. The huge, bear of a man that stood on the rickety set of wooden steps, his cigarette sending small whisps of smoke into the cooling night air, making the two Expendables wonder if the recruiter had lost his mind.

"This, gentlemen, is the Dead Man's Hand. The finest hole in the wall that you will find in these here parts. Oh, and that's Franky. He may closely resemble a shaved grizzly that has been dressed in a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt, but I do assure you that he is quite house trained. Well.........he is unless you upset (Y/n). Then you might find your limbs spread across the desert." Bonaparte told the two. Smiling as he climbed out of the car and made his way over to the big man. Barney and Lee looking at one another before quickly getting out of the car and joining him. Neither of them liking that the big man was looking down at them, as though he were just about to eat them and spit out the bones.

"Who are these two?" Franky growled disdainfully, as he continued to glare. Both Barney and Christmas wishing that they had brought Gunnar with them. Then he could have spoken giant to giant.

"They're with me, Franky. We've come to see the captain." Bonaparte explained. The large man huffing, before moving out of the way and letting the three men up the stairs.

"She's at the back playing poker. The idiots are trying to win some of their money back. Won't ever happen though." The big man continued, with an amused snort. Bonaparte nodding, as he gestured for the two Expendables to follow him inside.


"Bonaparte. You have bought me to some strange places over the years to meet possible recruits. Everywhere from local county drunk tanks to mud pit fights in Juarez. But this........this is something else." Barney said, as he and Christmas made their way to the back of the bar. Bonaparte just strolling thought the glaring patrons like this was his regular haunt, not seeming to notice a damn thing. The retired mercenary only stopping when he got close to a table, at which sat five rather disgruntled looking men, and a rather happy beautiful woman. Her feet propped up on the corner of the table.

"Your call, Cosmo. See me, or fold, pal................." The woman smiled, as she placed her cards face down in front of her. The man across from her looking between his own hand and her.

"Damn it, Bullseye. This is why you should never play cards with a sniper. They never so much as twitch." The man complained, as he threw his cards onto the table.

"Don't be a sore loser, Cosmo. It doesn't suit you." The woman chuckled, as she reached across the table and grabbed the dollar bills. Her already large smile getting broader, as she caught sigh of Bonaparte and the two man that were with him.

"Now, as much as I would like to keep taking your money from you, I have to speak to these three gentlemen. So, make yourselves scarce for a little while, yeah. Get Tony to put a beer on my tab for each of you." The woman continued, as the five men got to their feet. Each of them nodding at Bonaparte, as they made their way over to the bar.

"You been here a few times, huh?" Christmas whispered, as he Bonaparte and Barney moved to the table.

"I have been here once or twice. There's just something about the place that keeps bringing me back." The recruiter replied. His own smile growing, as the woman got to her feet.

"So, these are the guys you were telling me about..............?"

"Yep. Barney Ross, Lee Christmas, I would like to introduce to (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n). Former captain in the U.S Marines, and one of the best snipers I have ever come across." Bonaparte introduced, as (Y/n) leaned across and shook the two startled men's hands.

"One of the best? Now I'm only one of the best? The other night you told me I was the best. In between everything else you were telling me that is." (Y/n) chuckled, as she turned around and picked up the sniper rifle that was leant up against the wall behind her. Lee and Barney looking at Bonaparte, who just coughed and straightened his shirt collar. Hoping that the dull light would conceal the slightly heated blush that had come to his cheek.

"Well, I supposed you boys, just like Bonaparte here, would like to see what I can do before you decide on whether you could use me or not?" (Y/n) added, as she moved from the table, and unlocked the small door that led to the back of the bar. The well-lit firing range spreading out before them as they made their way outside.

"Knock them dead, sweetheart." Bonaparte whispered, as he came up behind (Y/n). The sniper placing her rifle down on the table.

"I always do. It's my speciality." (Y/n) replied. Placing a quick kiss to the recruiter's cheek, before turning her attention to the vast array of weapons. Bonaparte having no doubt that the Expendables would soon have a new sniper on the team.   

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