A trip to the Circus - Barney x Reader

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"Remind me again why we are here Barney?" Christmas asked, as he put another handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"We need a new sniper, and Bonaparte informed me that one of the best can be found here." Barney told him, as he, Christmas, and the rest of the team followed the crowd, making their way to the enormous tent that had been erected just outside the Romanian capital of Bucharest.

"What the hell is a sniper doing at a circus? And why did the rest of us have to come, normally you go on your own when you pick up a newbie." Gunnar huffed, as he pushed his way through the crowd, the group making their way to their seats.

"Bonaparte says this whole damn thing is a CIA cover for a few agents, our sniper just happens to be one of them; and you're here so we can make a good impression. Well, not you Gunnar, you could never make a good impression, but the rest of you; Bonaparte said this one is a little special." Barney told them, smiling as he heard a disgruntled grumble from Gunnar as they sat down, waiting for the performance to begin.

"So, what are we looking for?" Toll asked, as he took a seat between Barney and Caesar.

"Bonaparte said we would know when we saw her." Barney told him, as the main ring was suddenly filled by tumbling and flipping acrobats.

The performance had gone on like any other, clowns, acrobats, jugglers, yet there was no obvious sign of the woman Bonaparte had sent Barney to look for.

Suddenly the big top went black apart from a single bright spotlight that illuminated the centre of the main ring falling on the ring master. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, it is my pleasure to present to you the 'Flying Zapharelli's'." The man announced, as the spotlight flew to the trapeze artists at the top of the huge tent.

Barney didn't even look up at the newly introduced entertainers, his eyes were fixed on the other performers, scanning for a face that Bonaparte told him that he would know.

"Er....... Barney, Christmas!" Toll said, shaking Barney's shoulder.

"You might want to see this."

Barney and Christmas followed the direction of Toll's pointed finger, up towards the acrobat's meters above the sawdust strewn floor.

"HOLY SHIT! IT'S (Y/N)" Christmas shouted out.

The rest of the team looked on as a young woman flew through the air, expertly catching the bar of the trapeze at every swing.

"Are ya sure it's (Y/n)?" Caesar asked, as he stared up to the top of the canopy.

"Yeah it's her, I'd recognise Tool's handiwork anywhere." Barney told him, as his eyes looked over the two tattooed arm sleeves. If Barney had known it was (Y/n) he had come to find, he would have been more prepared, now he had to think on his feet and work out the best way to get her to come back.


As the show finished, the team made their way out of the big top looking for the younger woman.

"What is so special about this Senorita anyway?" Galgo asked Toll, as they searched through the performer's tents.

"Well, she's Christmas' little sister to start with, she's already one of us; and she has her own set of particular abilities that we could use. You see (Y/n) is a computer genius, she can hack into basically anything, she can speak eight languages, and she's one of the best snipers I've ever met." Toll said quietly, as they continued to search the area.

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