More than a pretty face - Part 3 - Christmas x Reader

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Ok. She knew that it was weird. That some might even say that it was a bit sick...........but boy, was she having fun. Having fun as the bullets whizzed past her head, and the explosions sent great lumps of masonry flying across the scene. This was what she did, not taking care of some snotnosed brat or movie star that thought that their shit didn't stink. No, it was this. It was going in with all guns blazing to save the day. To take out tin pot dictators that ruled with an iron fist; drug cartels that wanted to ship their poison to the States and the world. Arms dealers what would sell death to the highest bidder, not giving two shits about whom they sold to, or what damage their weapons might cause. (Y/n) putting a round in yet another man that was racing towards her, before turning to take in the whole thing.

For a moment, it felt as though time had stopped. That the fight was going on around her, and she were just a fly on the wall; a voyeur to the happenings that were unfolding before her. But then she saw it, one of the goons that were doing their best to kill her and the others, pointing a gun right at the unaware Christmas. (Y/n) breaking out into a sprint and grabbing the Englishman; a yelp leaving her lips, as she felt heat, as she felt a sudden pain. A burning sensation ripping at the skin and muscle of her upper left arm. She and Christmas dropping to ground, before she moved up her hand, and pulled the trigger of her Glock. A bullet lodging itself right between the eyes of the soldier.

"You ok..........?" Christmas asked, as he looked up at her. Lee not failing to see the wound on her arm.

"Yeah, just a flesh wound. But that doesn't mean that you don't owe me..........." (Y/n) replied, kissing him on the nose before quickly getting back to her feet and rejoining the fray. Lee turning over and smiling for a moment, before yet another bullet flew passed him. The Englishman deciding that he should probably save the smiles until after the job was done.



"Well, its not too deep, but you could still do with a couple of stitches......" Doc replied, as he cleaned off the wound and Christmas came over to sit next to the patient.

"First day on the job, and you're the only one to be injured..........."

"Well, I wouldn't have been injured if I hadn't been saving your ass. Maybe I should have just let you get shot.............." (Y/n) replied, before taking a sharp intake of breath, as Doc pushed the needle into her arm.

"You wouldn't do that.................."

"Don't put money on it. You aren't that charming, Mister Christmas." She continued, doing her best to ignore not only the pull on her skin, as the big man working on her arm tied the first suture; but also, the others, as they rolled their eyes at the interaction. It obvious that the fight had not dulled the sexual tension between the pair.

"And as the bullet not only hit me, but also ruined my favourite black shirt; that dinner and drinks better be to somewhere special........." The possible new recruit added. The second suture reminding her, that if she did continue with the Expendables, she really should avoid getting shot again.

"Anything you say, beautiful." Lee told her. Giving her a cheeky wink, before making his way back to the cockpit to join Barney.


"Well.................?" Lee asked, as he took a seat in the copilot chair.

"Well, what.............?" Barney replied, despite the fact that he knew what his fiend was taking about.


"What about her...............?"

" she in............?" Lee continued. Shaking his head as Barney just shrugged.

"She doesn't need to be in for you to date her..............."

"True, but she saved my life..............."

"I know.........that alone should be a mark against her." Barney retorted. Doing his best not to laugh, as his friend huffed.

"I haven't made up my mind yet. Ask me when we get home." Barney added. Liking the idea of leaving Lee wondering; even though he was already hoping that Tool could fit her in for her tattoo.


"What are you looking for................." Doc asked, as Lee looked around the hanger.

"(Y/n). Where did she.................?"

"He hasn't even taken her out on that date, and she's already made a run for it.........." Gunnar said under his breath, as he and Caesar carried out a large box from the plane.

"Barney said that he wanted to talk to her. Said to meet him at Rusty's later." Toll explained. Barney having told him that he and (Y/n) were off to see Tool; but not to tell Christmas what they were up to.

"Don't worry, Christmas. I'm sure that she won't forget about that dinner you owe her.............." Toll added, as he and Galgo stowed away the gear. Christmas hoping that he was right.

He hadn't been reading to much into it........had he? He had to admit that after Lacey had..........well, after Lacey, his confidence in the woman area of his life, had taken a bit of a knock; but then there she had been. And not only was she beautiful, but she could also kick ass, he would never have to lie about what he did, and she had saved his life. No, there was something there. Something behind those gorgeous eyes of her. Something in that smile she gave him. Lee again hoping that when he and the others met up with Barney at Rusty's later, he wouldn't be alone. 

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