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chapter five.

HUNTER WAS SITTING ON A BAR STOOL at the counter, watching as Buck confidently walked up to Cap

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HUNTER WAS SITTING ON A BAR STOOL at the counter, watching as Buck confidently walked up to Cap. She already knew what was in that book. It wasn't that hard to figure it out, he wrote in it after every all and he was a firefighter. Either it was the people he saved, or the people he lost and after close watch she concluded it was those he saved.

"Oof," Hunter cringed as Bobby slammed Buck against the wall. Bobby's lecture was cut short as the bell rung through the fire house. Hunter sprung up as she listened to the call, stopping once she realized what it had said, "is that for real?"

Turns out, it was for real. That's what Hunter thought as she stared down into the water, looking at the slowly submerged plane that was split on impact.

"You guys ever seen something this this?"

The other members of the 118 shook their heads in response to Buck's question before Bobby began giving orders. Hunter and the rest climbed onto the raft boat before heading closer to the scene.

"At least 30 in the water," hen yelled over all of the commotion, "how long until this this goes under?"

No one had an answer to her question, or at least not one that would be accurate.

Hunter and Bobby looked around at the scene before she responded, "four or five sets at the most, that's if we're lucky."

Buck looked around at the water, the fire that sat on top of the fuel, and those who were jumping off the plane into the water in hopes of saving themselves, "where the hell are we gonna evacuate to?"

"Anywhere. The beach preferably. We need them out of here," Hunter called to him, but stopped to look him in the eyes, "listen, don't look at them too long. I know it's hard but keep moving, someone else will need your help."

"I don't need your damn advice, Callahan," he scoffed. That's what I get for trying to help him she thought. Hunter could only hope that he'd take her advice as she walked away to help evacuate. It didn't matter that she hated him, if he wasn't in the right mind set there wasn't a point of him being out there. She could see the panic, the stress, and all the other emotions coursing through his eyes. And of course the anger when Hunter offered her advice.

What felt like hours later, Hunter finally laid down in her own bed. Alexa had offered to make dinner but the blonde was so tired she honestly didn't think she'd be able to eat. There wasn't one muscle on her body that wasn't sore after the search and rescue of the airplane.

Hunter's sleep was cut short by the ringing of her phone that sat on the bed side table, "what the hell do you want, hen?"

"Bobby didn't show up for his shift and he's not answering his phone," hen explained into the phone, "can you meet me at his place?"

Groaning, she responded, "yeah, I'll be there in like 20-30 minutes."

After ending the call she threw her sweatshirt on, she never bothered to take off her jeans before passing out. Hunter was very grateful to have found the time to put the new starter on her truck, thanking god that it had started up when she turned the key allowing her to head to her Captain's home.

"He ever gone MIA like this before?" Buck asked as the three of them stood outside his door, he had adverted his gaze the look at the blonde woman next to him, "you look like shit by the way—"

"You should be nicer to someone who has your address and the means to cover up a murder," Hunter retorted with a glare, she wouldn't tell him she was so hungover that apart of her might by have still been drunk. She missed the days when she could down a while bottle of Johnny Walker Black and a few beers without feeling anything the next morning.

Buck furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to remember why Hunter would even know where he lived. Hen sighed, ignoring the two but answering Buck's questions nonetheless, "No. Honestly, I don't, I don't know much about his story before he took over the house. Just that he, uh... he's in recovery," Buck then pulled out his phone to try and call him again.

Buck was about to say something but Hunter quickly cut him off, "shut it, you hear that?" She asked as she listened for the faint ringing she could her through the door. "Move out of my way," she told buck as she stepped back in preparation to kick to door down.

"No, no, no," hen panicked, "we gave each other keys incase one of us couldn't make it home."

"It'd be faster to put my boot through the handle," she muttered as Hen unlocked the apartment door and let the three firefighters into the room.

The sight of Bobby passed out on his couch was not a pretty one to say the least. After the three of them had woken Bobby up, ungraciously to say the least, they tried to talk to him. At least Hunter hadn't drank herself to that point last night but that wasn't to say she hadn't ended up like him a time or two before. It was hurtful all around, seeing their captain breaking to pieces wasn't easy to watch. The apartment was bare, yet the table was set for four. It was weird, there was no pictures or anything the only sign of life was the few essential personal items.

"Is she calling me uptight?" Bobby cracked a joke, trying to smile through whatever pain he was feeling deep down.

"Maybe just ask for help once in awhile?" Buck sheepishly suggested as Hunter deadpanned, "yes."


Hen moved over to sit down next to Bobby. Taking him in her arms as he let the tears out for the first time in god knows how long, Buck on the other side of him providing comfort too.

Hunter wasn't sure what to do, she had known Bobby the least amount of time however it was a walk in the park to watch a grown man break down. Once, Hunter had vowed she wouldn't grow attached to the members of the 118 like she had with her friends from the 8117, but it was clear she couldn't keep that promise she had made to herself for much longer.

She knew what it was like to be broken but too damn stubborn to show it. After she lost Lane she felt like she couldn't cope. She went home to Texas after leaving the marines and found comfort in bourbon and fixing her truck.

The two of them were more alike then they'd ever know.

Anyone who has watched flashpoint or shooter may be able to guess some of the future plot lmao

Also I want to make a better cover but I can't find an image that works. Ik I can do better than the one I have

𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨. Evan Buckley ¹Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora