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chapter six.

"I'M SORRY, WHAT?" Hunter asked the older woman as she tried not to choke on her wine

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"I'M SORRY, WHAT?" Hunter asked the older woman as she tried not to choke on her wine. And it should be known, Hunter was not a fan of wine. If she was getting drunk, she'd doing it the right way with hard liquor and if you're not drinking to get drunk then you're doing it wrong in her opinion.

Hunter also wasn't sure how she ended up with the two other women telling stories. Hen had insisted Hunter should join in, saying something about integrating the newest member of LA's female first responders.

"Oh yeah," Athena responded, eyes wide. The two, plus Hen were sitting in the living room of the Wilson's. Athena was sharing her current situation between May and her bullies.

"I'm sorry but if I was that bitch's mom I'd slap the shit out of her," Hunter said with a wave of her hand, "lord knows my parents would have."

Athena nodded, signaling that she agreed, "and then they yelled at me for arresting her for possession. And on top of that, I've been placed on desk duty for god knows how long after the plane incident."

Hen shook her head, "some kids, man. and you didn't the right thing on the plane," she said as she poured herself more wine. This was the first time Hunter had been invited to their girls night and she had to admit it wasn't bad. Everyday her and Hen seemed to click more and more.

"And Michael hasn't even been there for her," she scoffed, "he's out running around with some young dark chocolate."

Both Hen and Hunter scoffed with her, "girl, set him straight," hen said in a playful voice. Athena laughed as she shook her head before checking her watch and gasping.

"I got to go," she said before standing up, "some of us have to work tomorrow."

"Oh wow," Hunter jokingly scoffed as ahe rolled her eyes at the meaningless insult from woman who she realized was easy to get along with.

"Bye 'thena," hen called out, giving her a hug before turning to Hunter, "you're more than welcome to stay here tonight, the couch is always open."

Hunter tucked herself further under the blanket, "I might just have to take you up on that offer."

Hen laughed before bidding a goodnight and turning off the lights. Luckily enough, Hunter had shown up with her sweatpants and a tan USMC cutoff on and would have no trouble sleeping.

Earlier that day, Hen and Hunter both watched as Bobby went off on an owner of a building that suffered a caved in roof. She will admit he wasn't in the wrong in going after the man, it just wasn't his style and most definitely showed him losing control. Hunter was the hot headed one, not her captain.

Even deep in her thoughts sleep was quick to engulf the blonde. The next morning she found herself at the Wilson family table surrounded by Hen and her family. Morning wasn't a good term, it was closer to lunch time but nevertheless they all still ate breakfast.

Hunter was laughing at some stupid joke Denny made until her phone rang. Excusing herself, she stood up from the table and walked into the next room, "Buckley, to what do I owe this displeasure?"

"I'm cashing in on my favor, asshat."

Groaning, she rolled her eyes while rubbing her face with her hand, "the hell do you need?"

"I uh, have this friend who is looking for her mom and I- I know that a lot of veterans have some connections with the community," he started, struggling to find his words, "and shelters and VA's and stuff. And I know your roommate works at the hospital so I was wondering if you could make some calls."

"What's the name?" She questioned with a sigh.

"Patricia Clark."

"I'll call you when I know something, Buckley," Hunter hung up the phone before returning to the Wilson's dining room, quickly explains she had to leave and take care of some stuff. She thanked Hen and Karen for letting her stay before leaving.

Picking up her phone once more she dialed the number of a friend, "hey, Aaron, are you still down there working at the shelter on 17th?"

"Yeah, every damn day," he laughed.

"Have you had any new people wonder in? I'm looking for an older woman, Patricia Clark. She'd be pretty confused and agitated."

"Nah, haven't had anyone like that come in today. Just families," Aaron told her, "but I'll give you a call if a hear anything."

"Alright thank you, I appreciate it bud."

"Oh and Callahan? Take care of yourself," he told her, "I know it's hard here without Lane."

Hunter didn't even get a chance to respond before the phone call was ended. She didn't want to focus on her friends words, instead she dove into another call. After many calls later, to nearly all of her connections she had ended up at home laying on her bed as she dialed the last few numbers.

It was nightfall by now. After Hunter had ended one call and all about given up, Alexa had called her. Picking it up she said, "watcha got for me, hun?"

"I got lady her, same description but can't remember her name."

"That's it, lexa. You're amazing, I'll be there shortly," Hunter said before hangin up and grabbing her keys from the design spot she had for them by the door.

Hunter had called Buck on her way to the hospital letting him now she had a good lead. Walking in to the ER she saw Alexa standing at the front desk in scrubs with a clip board in hand as she worked through paperwork.

"Darlin, your saving grace is here," Hunter jokingly called as she held up a coffee in one of her hands with walking towards Alexa who had a smile on her face.

"I love you," she said with a laugh, "your girl is down the hall, talk to those guys."

Hunter mumbled a thank you as she walked to the three guys before stopping in front of them, "you guys brought her in?"

The closest man nodded his head and went to respond but another voice prevented him from doing so, "Calla, you find her?"

Hunter spun around to be face to face with Buck and another woman, "I think so. They brought her in."

"Thank you," the woman said, stepping forward towards Hunter, "I'm Abby and you don't know how much this means to me."

"It's no problem," Hunter assured before letting Abby step past her and talk to the three men who brought her in. Hunter moved closer to buck as she gave him a grin, "cougar huntin are we now?"

Buck rolled his eyes, "she's just a friend and you need to shut your mouth."

"Oh honey," Hunter sarcastically said with a laugh, "is that code for she's a girl you haven't slept with yet."

He scoffed before responding, "at least I can get someone to hang out with me. You've been here for months but haven't said a word about anybody. Or anything from your life really."

"That's on a need to know basis and you don't need to know," she said as she tapped his back with her hand. If Hunter was upset, she didn't show it. The blonde wasn't looking for a guy to hang out with or a good time, she was happy how she was. Maybe she was a little gunshy after what the last one put her through but that's okay.

"Get the fuck outta here, Calla."

She went to walk away but stopped before looking at the man one last time, "oh and, Buckley, don't tell me what the hell to do. You may be in a hospital but that doesn't mean your safe."

𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨. Evan Buckley ¹Where stories live. Discover now