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chapter nine.

"HI HONEY," HUNTER SAID TO the little girl who waved at her from inside the arcade crane machine, holding onto her newly acquired stuffed animal, "are you having fun?"

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"HI HONEY," HUNTER SAID TO the little girl who waved at her from inside the arcade crane machine, holding onto her newly acquired stuffed animal, "are you having fun?"

Buck smiled at her and waved back before saying, "we're gonna have to get you out of there, if that's okay with you."

They each took a drill and began unscrewing the four screws holding the side glass on. "I can't believe they didn't have a key," the mom said in disbelief and slight panic.

"Oh it's just one of those nights," buck replied as he held the side of the machine and Hunter picked up the girl, walking towards the mother, nodded in agreement to Buck's statement with a tight-lipped forced smile.

"Here we go."

"Oh," buck said quickly, pulling a toy out of the still open machine, "and here's your moo moo."

The two got back into the engine truck, running solo for now while others were out making calls too. They weren't even a couple hours in and it was hectic.

The curse of the full moon was in full affect, it seemed.

"I still can't believe that you date gave you an emergency tracheotomy," she laughed, "and you were worried about sex."

"Calla, choke you with your own dog tags if you don't shut up," he threatened.

"Ooh," she tsked, "I prefer the hands, Buckley. Buck's eyes widened slightly at her comment but elected to ignore it, full moon and all and instead called Abby.

When they had reached the station again, it wasn't long before they had gotten another call. Hunter groaned as they rode in the elevator while listening to Buck and Bobby argue about the curse and mythology of the full moon. As soon as the doors open Hunter pushed past, eager to leave the arguing men- no boys.

"Hey. She's this way." The yoga teacher led, "Jackie's six months pregnant. She's new. This class is only open to moms who are at least 26 weeks. I warn them about overexerting themselves."

𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨. Evan Buckley ¹Where stories live. Discover now