4: Shackles of the Past

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warnings: social bullying (public embarrassment, shaming, jabbing insults), depiction of fire, and a little bit of self-harm mention (in a negative way).


How about taking some
responsibility for your actions?


Hosu has always been the heart of Quirks in Japan.

People began to associate the city with success and power. They open their arms and give a welcoming place for influential heroes like All Might and Endeavor, who had powerful Quirks that people looked up to.

But what about those who don't?

What about those who were born with a Quirk that only mutates their body and nothing else? What about those who were born without any Quirk?

Hosu has always been the heart of Quirks.

They welcome powerful heroes with arms open and words like nectar, but underneath those sweet gestures, they separate themselves from those whom they deemed weak and useless.

Momoto slammed a hand on your desk. "Hey! Is it true? Are you— you're really going to try the UA Examinations?!"

Your pens rattled at her movements; one of them even fell onto the floor, but the pens weren't your main concern at that moment. No, you were focused on the fact that Momoto, your classmate— an acquaintance— gripped your wrist and forced you to look at her.

Emphasis on the 'acquaintance' part.

"Is it really true that you'll go to UA?" She pushed her face near you. If you weren't leaning away, your noses would have touched each other already.

You didn't answer.

She looked at you up and down, before letting out a sound similar to a snort or a laugh. "I knew you were a little behind in this world, but I didn't know you're that misinformed. You're actually delusional."

The people around you laughed. They think her words were true. In their eyes, you were the kid who fumbled at social cues. You were the kid who can't function without asking anyone about what to do. You were the pathetic kid that they laughed at, but now, so suddenly, you decided you'll try for the UA examination?

That was too funny for their brains to comprehend.

"I would have understood your choice if you picked the General Studies or the Business Management course, but, the Hero course?" Momoto's hold tightened on you, and she pulled you to face her when you tried to look away. "Listen here, I'm only saying this to you 'cause you're my friend, but UA has a strict strong people only policy, okay? Only 5% of the examinees have passed in that school! Last school year was like, what? At least a thousand or more people enrolled for the Hero Course and only forty students passed."

Momoto showed four of her fingers and made a fist with her other hand.

"Forty students, you hear me? For-ty!" Then she placed her hand on your shoulders and leaned in. "Do you know how absurd those statistics are?"

"Please get off of me," you said, blatantly ignoring her. "We're not close enough for you to invade my personal space like that."

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