24: Anxiety and Alarms

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warnings: crowds, anxious thoughts, and description of a burning knife


❝ Every piece, no matter how small,
is needed to fit the puzzle


You felt anxious today.

Maybe it's because of the start of your day, or maybe it's because of the reporters that invaded your privacy, but there was a churning within you that told you something bad is happening today.

You tried to swallow that feeling down.

"Please tell us what you think of All Might!"

Instead, you spurred on a nonchalant expression and pointed to yourself. "You're asking my opinion?"

The reporters outside UA's gates shoved their cameras and microphones your way. You needed to step back a bit so none of them could accidentally smack you in the face.

"We saw you walk next to the Number One hero himself— What exactly is your relationship with him?! Is he your mentor? Your father?"

You tensed up. "No, he is not my father. I have- I have a father of my own..."

You covered your eyes with one hand, looking away from the camera. If your father watches the news right now and hears what these reporters are saying, he might sulk and get all depressed when you come back home. Your mom would be super annoyed if your dad begins his sulking phase once again.

You bit your lips and scrunched your nose. Damnit, All Might! This is all his fault! (And Nezu. Can't forget to blame the rat himself)

Do you remember that 'everyday meeting' you have with All Might and Midoriya? Well, it's now the source of your miserable situation.

You woke up a little later than usual, but you weren't entirely late just yet, so you decided to go buy some bandages after getting off of the station.

That's when you found All Might in his lanky form, standing outside by the sidewalk. You almost had a heart attack when he turned, surprised, and waved at you— until you remembered, oh. Yeah.

All Might knew you.

Well, it's not like you forgot about it, but it's still surreal to realize that the Number 1 hero (who was supposed to be gone, by the way) was suddenly striding up to you and asking you what you're doing. At first, you thought it's just him striking up a normal conversation. Then it derailed into him nervously asking you if something was going to happen today based on your prophecy Quirk, and somehow, seeing him be anxious like that almost made you laugh.

The Number 1 hero unconsciously searching for comfort from you? That's a sight that you would have never seen in your old past.

You didn't know anything about what would happen today, but you ended up walking near UA with him just to quell his worries a bit. You told little stories that made him chuckle a bit, and also your opinion about the other students in 1-A. It was a peaceful trip to UA—

Peaceful, until a scream tore off into the air.

That's when All Might changed back into his hero form and said his goodbyes to you in a rush. You were horrified, because why in the world would he change back to his buff form when he's in the middle of the road?

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