32: Fall Down Seven, Rise Up Eight

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warnings: blood, and violence (this time, in BNHA standards instead).


❝Oh, hero! They will never know of
your sacrifices, but Justice is Justice,
and Devotion is still Devotion.❞


You found out a few important things in your last regression.

First, Kurogiri's warp is random.

He doesn't teleport anyone based on their weaknesses nor strengths. Instead, he's grappling with the students as much as you were grappling with the knowledge of the villain's locations. Just like how you can make sure no villains touch the students, you can also make sure that the warp teleports nobody anywhere else.

Second, Shigaraki Tomura is childish.

In just a few minutes of talking with him, you had already found the ways to push all of his buttons; even just you sticking out your tongue had made him all the more furious at your actions. For someone who's going to be the source of all your problems in the future, he sure was easy to read.

Which came the third point: Shigaraki, when mad or anxious, relies on the Nomu like it was his personal crutch.

He displayed its powers like a trophy, and when things were going awry, he gave out orders to it without any hesitation.

But jokes on him, the Nomu wasn't going to be a part of your worries anymore.

Even when it almost broke your bones and when it had the ability to instantly regenerate, it wasn't a threat against your shock absorption Quirk anymore.

Actually, you needed it to be a threat more than anything else. Because aside from shock absorption—

[You have an Accumulated Shock of: 10%. Release it?]

[Yes] [No]

— you can release the pain that you have accumulated from the Nomu's attacks.

Granted, it's only 10% at the moment, but if you keep getting attacked, preferably with its intent to kill, then you'll reach 100% in no time. After all, that Nomu deserves the strongest punch in the world, and you're not going to let All Might do that.

That's the last thing you have to keep in mind: you won't let All Might handle this.

The League of Villains wants All Might to fight the Nomu.

You're basing that on the straightforward way Shigaraki gloats about his Nomu being the 'main boss' and All Might as the 'main opponent'. He seemed desperate enough to make the Nomu fight the number one hero, and that's what you don't want to happen— for him to get his satisfaction of seeing the Symbol of Peace attack his destined rival.

You meant it when you said you'll give him the deepest despair he could ever feel. If it means taking on everything all by yourself, then you'll push through with your determined demise.

Because Shigaraki Tomura will have no other choice but to feel anguished at how a mere student can break his number one weapon.

It's what you want him to feel after everything you have been through.

It's what he deserved.


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