7: Hugs and Cats

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We got fanart of MC by Ryn in Quotev (they're our editor for this fic btw)!! Please give them some love and support! Their POC (y/n) really makes my heart go wild. I love the hair so much, and she looks like a chill person to hang out with! <3


There are things that
humans cannot see.


Maybe the problem was your face.

You were just an innocent passerby. A peaceful citizen of your city who does nothing but walk around defenseless, but then they had the audacity to hold a grudge against you for reasons unknown.

By 'they', you mean cats.

"This is the third time, the third time already," you grumbled to yourself, hugging your arms and glancing behind you. Who would have thought that your one time incident with Shinso would repeat until you could never escape it, ever again?

The terrible tragedy first happened when you met Shinso in that park— a cat scratched your face for unknown reasons.and you dismissed that as bad luck for the most part. Nothing more, nothing less.

Then as you went home from school yesterday after Kaibara parted ways from you, another tabby cat came near you. You were wary of it, of course— you were careful enough to not anger it or even get in its way. But as if you did the forbidden and offended its entire ancestors, the cat pounced on your face, and you ended up struggling in a life-or-death situation. The end result was not death but suffering instead. Pain. Pure agony.

Okay. Maybe that one is another coincidence. You may never know if the cat had some nasty backstory before meeting you, so who were you to judge its actions? (Even though it scratched the living daylights out of your face).

The third time, however, happened today.

You didn't even do anything except wait for Kaibara to come to your training's meeting place. He was a little late, so you sat down on a bench and waited for him.

But apparently, being alone is a crime to the stray cats in the park.

In just a few minutes, one cat hissed at you and began to jump far away as possible. This brought the other cats nearby to hiss and chase after your damn face. Again, you didn't do anything wrong! You were just minding your business, waiting for your friend, and now you were running for your damn life against these felines.

Poor Kaibara had been spamming your phone with messages asking where the hell you are, but the only response you gave him was, 'I can't come, I'll die if I do.'

It was probably the wrong thing to send since you didn't give any context. But when you are being chased by angry felines, how will you have the chance to relax in the streets full of strays?

Kaibara was currently panicking at your message, but you didn't know that. The only thing you know was that you scraped your bandages after tripping from your run, and now you came to the pharmacy to buy a new one.

"Mummy..." You flinched when someone muttered those words. You whipped your head to the side, and behold— there was a small kid staring up at you with a wide-eyed starry gaze.

You shut your mouth into a straight line. Did you really look like a mummy? You weren't even covering your face with bandages, only a few band-aids here and there. But you still looked like a mummy?

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