22: Something is Amiss

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People tend to judge those
whom they feel threatened to.❞


You weren't a massive fan of Todoroki Shoto.

You preferred Chargebolt for his relatability, or even Tailman for his casual atmosphere. But there was a time when, for a moment, you caught a glimpse of the dual-toned hair boy, and you became enthralled.

Almost everywhere, you saw him. Television, billboards, even on the internet he was there. The clip of his spiky glacials, his billowing flames, and his manic grin made you unable to take your eyes off of the screen. Even if you wanted to, you can't escape that specific clip. It was replayed over and over again, more so than any other student during the Sports Festival.

Perhaps that's where your tiny interest started.

There was a time in the past where a fanclub dedicated to Shoto rose. There, you can find people who posted his hero work in action, even the mock interviews he did with Mt. Lady.

You joined that fan club.

It was supposed to be a one-time participation, an anonymous one at that. But one thing led to another, and the next memory you remembered was you creating a post about Shoto's outfit choice.

Despite having the chance to show off his perfect appearance, Shoto wore a normal outfit as his hero costume. He looked... simple. Too simple, in fact, it made most people criticize him once he interned with his father.

But you thought otherwise.

That blue jumpsuit in your memory might not be extraordinary. It might not compare to Ingenium's heavy armor, nor will it compare to Bakugou's explosive impression, but Shoto's simplistic approach was memorable because it made him feel human.

Todoroki Shoto seemed unreachable to citizens like you. Everything was handed down to him like gifts from a divine being. His title, his standing, his wealth, his appearance— he has everything that most people wish to have.

That's why you liked his simple outfit a lot more than you expected.

His upbringing might have been perfect, but he was never someone unreachable. He's someone like everyone else. The only difference was that he was striving to be a hero while all of you were the people that he needed to care for.

A simple choice, a simple hero name, all adorned by an outstanding boy seeking to find a place in a simple world like yours.

You didn't have the courage to post your cents about that topic, though. You kept it in your drafts and when you snapped out of it, you became embarrassed at your impulsive actions and swore to never think about that situation again. And that was the last time you ever paid attention to the dual-haired hero.

Maybe simplicity was never in his mind when he made his outfit. Maybe it was just a lazy choice on his part, and you're overthinking it.

But it didn't matter. His choices, how he wanted to be seen not as an extension of his father's legacy but as his own person, you admired it in your past.

Imagine the disappointment that coursed through you when you saw a boy who was far from the simple hero in your memory. Instead, he was hiding himself under all of that ice.

Aside from his cold and cruel gaze, Todoroki Shoto looked too much of a royalty for you. He had the air of a fierce sovereign, an icy emperor. It's almost suffocating.

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