23: The Dance and Song of the Night

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Warnings: vivid description of vomiting, death, gore, sickness, and... yeah, physical pain in general. Poor reader.


❝ Why don't we dance in battle?


[Warning: A Quirk is trying to take control of The System. Do you want to block it?]

[Yes] or [No]

It all started with a lump in your throat.

Your mouth felt dry, uncomfortable, and scorching hot. What made it even more unbearable were the system boards that overloaded your sight and senses.

[Commencing defense against Quirk: Auditory Distortion.]

[Your senses are being warped by the User who calms and evokes the noise in your head, Reisei Hibiki. You are surrounded by the noise, and the noise will soon turn into your enemy. There is only one way to stop them.]

[Pain Re-enactment will commence in 3...]

Your eyes widened. Cold goosebumps crawled through your skin.


The lump in your throat went higher, and higher.


Until you lurched forward and gagged.

You heaved out wet and painful coughs, an electrifying burn jolted through all of your body. Your neck, your wrist, your chest— the pain racked through all of those parts as if it remembered all of the times you stabbed it over and over with a dull knife and with a syringe.

What the hell is wrong with this system?! Nobody said anything about pain re-enactment!

You heard the presence behind you appear once again, so you activated your blueflames, circling it around your body as a temporary shield. The noises around you turned into ringing.

You know what this feeling was. It's as if you were jumping off the roof once again, breaking your bones and painfully dying for minutes or more.

The ringing in your head silenced itself as you felt the pain over and over.

...Until you could hear nothing in your surroundings.


Pure, agonizing silence. Not even the cracking of the fire nor the thundering heartbeat of yours registered in your mind.

You've lost count of how many deaths passed by the racking of your body. Your heart feels like it's being strangled and squeezed slowly in a torturous cycle.

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