25: Gathering Information

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warnings: Nezu.


Keep telling yourself that,
maybe it might come true.❞


It's been 3 hours since you regressed.

Your stomach still hurts.

You were at the train station, a cramped up one, since it was the morning rush. Even though you felt another painful twitch within your stomach, you tried your best to ignore it. There were so many bad things that you need to focus on for today— stomach cramps from wounds that had been rewound can be dwelled on later on.

As more people boarded the train, you considered your situation. First, you need to talk to Nezu. You don't need to be precise about everything— you said you can see the future, but nobody said anything about seeing it with a lot of detail. You can just say that someone will break in today, while using the reporter's outside as an excuse, and you can say that you'll try to find the culprit...

No, what if Nezu thinks that you're working alongside the culprit? What if he thinks you'll be trying to help the culprit escape by acting like you'll search for him instead?

You don't know how Nezu thinks. He's far too advanced for someone like you, and his suspicion during your last regression.. To say that you were nervous would be an understatement.

There's a sudden anxiety that fell over you at that moment. You didn't know why, but you felt as if your movements were being watched.

You raised your head, glancing at everyone in the train. Business workers and students alike, they were all stuck within their own world. Some were scrolling through their phones, some were whispering to each other, some were listening to music, and some were staring off into space like you.

Were you just imagining that burning stare..?

Gosh, you're becoming too anxious today. The pressure of keeping up a lie and holding it still right in front of key figures like Nezu, who could easily pull you out of the school if he wanted to, was doing so much to your nerves.

But after a few minutes, the train halted to a stop.

You didn't even have time to think to yourself because almost everyone at your side stood up at the same time. Since you were near the doors that opened, the people pushed on you to get out. You stumbled when another person forced themselves out quickly, and you glared at all of them. Weren't they even looking at where they're going, or were you totally invisible in their eyes?

You tightly gripped your bag straps, annoyed, and took one step out.

Until somebody bumped into you once again.

This piece of—

You staggered only, trying to keep your balance. But your foot got caught between the gap of the floor outside and the train, and you realized then that you were doomed.

You didn't know if it's you feeling dazed and annoyed by the entire situation, but the floor beneath you was getting closer, and closer, and closer. Accepting your fate, you shut your eyes tight and just readied yourself for the embarrassing fate that will befall you.

But then a hand clasped around your wrist.

"Woah there," a low and smooth voice came behind you.

The floor that was getting closer suddenly became farther away from you when you were pulled back into balance. You blinked, slowly processing what the hell had just happened in that one second of yours.

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