Chapter 1

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Trina McMillan POV

"Hi, um, yes I am here to meet Jonathan Wyles." I say to the hostess.

"Oh! yes, right this way Ms. McMillan." She grabs a menu and walks me to his table.

I walk into the fancy restaurant wearing my sexy black dress, black heels with the red bottoms. A simple gold necklace and simple gold Chanel earrings. I had spritzed his favorite perfume on my neck and wrist slightly to create intoxication.

He doesn't know it but this will be our last dinner together. I am ending it tonight. This attire is what I wear anytime I plan to end things with a man. And I put the cherry on top by wearing the perfume he will never smell on my naked skin ever again.

I wear black because I will be mourning the time I wasted being stuck on stupid when there is more then a billion other men in this world.

Who would have thought that even a multimillionaire could waste you time?

And honestly I had enough of him after last week when he came in me when I blatantly said no. I had to go and buy the morning after pill and freaked out when my period was late.

This breakup will be bittersweet though because even though I won't see him anymore romantically I will still have to deal with him closely as my boss.

I am his CFO and while I love my job and my position I hate that fatal night when we hooked up.

What was I even thinking that night... he wasn't even that great. I roll my eyes to myself. And I let that one night turn into 7 months of dating this pompous, egotistic, stereotypical rich asshole.

"McMillan?... Ms. McMillan" I hear the hostess breaking me out of my flashback. "Here's your table." She smiles slightly before walking back to the front of the restaurant.

Jonathan isn't at the table but I notice that the champagne has already been poured and sitting on ice. I look to the balcony not far from our table to see his back and him leaning on the rail.

He must be on a phone call.

I then hang my purse on the side of my chair and sit down crossing my leg over the other.

I take a deep breath as I take in the scenery of the restaurant. It's the same as when we came on our first date. I smirk to myself. It started here and it'll end here.

Taking a few sips of my champagne I feel a hand gently graze my back. Before I know it Jonathan plants a wet kiss on my cheek that makes me shiver in disgust.

"I see you're wearing my favorite scent." He says as he sniffs my neck deeply.

I just stare at him in disdain as he sits across from me with a big smug grin on his face as he beckons for the waiter.

He then looks at me again with a smile. "You look great in that dress, how come I've never seen it on you before?"

"Because it's a special occasions dress only." I sneer at him covering it in a seductive tone.

One thing for sure is that Jonathan was a very attractive man. He was 5'11, brown hair, blue eyes, 6 pac abs of steel, nice ivory skin that tanned great in the summer, and a tattoo on his left ribcage. But he was very pompous, and full of himself, he was very good at gaslighting, and had a temper. I remember when an intern accidentally bumped him knocking his coffee out of his hand. He then shouted at the intern, wrote a bad recommendation letter and fired her. He wasn't afraid of ruining people's life. And anything he did he had to gain something from it.

"Ohh..?" he couldn't help but smirk at my tone.
"Yes sir, Mr. Wyles?" The waiter comes to our table nodding in my direction then Jonathan's.

"We're ready to order... remember what I told you?." He says to the waiter nodding his head.

"Yes sir, right away." The waiter then walks off to the kitchen.

"But I didn't even get to order." I look at Jonathan who is just studying my face.

"I ordered for you besides I have a surprise."

"Why would you....?" I don't finish my sentence because I begin to put it all together... we're up on the balcony floor, no one but people we know and from business, all the service people are kind of surrounding us.... God please don't let this man propose.

Then the waiter and a few of his work team come out carrying a huge cake with sparklers. I instantly stand up in shock...
I literally cannot!!

Turning to my side to face Jonathan I see him on one knee pulling out a red velvet box and opening the box to reveal a huge gorgeous ring that was most definitely not my taste. It screamed 'be my trophy wife'... and I wanted to vomit all over it and him.

Camera lights were flashing, people gasping and clapping, and my anxiety was spiking.

"Trina McMillan, the last few months have been amazing and you showed me that a life without you isn't worth living. Do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Jonathan Wyles?" He looks up at me with his big blue eyes.

Everything in me wanted to cave and just say yes because of the pressure. But a strong part of me said no. So it went like this....

"Jonathan ... I- .. I'm sorry but I can't marry you. I don't feel the same and that's why I came here to tell you in person but I didn't expect you to do all of this. I'm sorry but it's over..." I say to him looking in his eyes to see that they have turned from a bright blue to a smokey dark blue.

I quickly gather my purse and proceed to walk back to the front of the restaurant and out avoiding the whispers and Jonathan calling my name.

Monday is going to be very eventful. I think to myself as the chauffeur pulls my car around, getting out, and holding my door so I can get in. As I get in I see Jonathan coming out of the restaurant door and I drive off quickly before he reaches my car.

A/N * Do y'all think she was wrong for saying no to him in front of that many people? 🫢😅🫣
Did you know that a woman's consent has to be made for you to let your seed loose in her or it is considered assault? At least in my state. 💦🚫👩🏾‍⚖️

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