Chapter 44

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R.J. P.O.V

It's been a few weeks since everything settled down about my coma, Mack and his team went over to San Antonio to see what he could find out.

Since our faction has become active again, there has been a lot of income coming in for the 'business'. While crime has gone back up because of the activity, I've also gained a lot of Allie's including some cops.

The men responsible for Trina's house was found and I've had them brought to me. I want to personally deal with them.

"Sir, we're here." My driver says as he pulls up to my newly purchased warehouses forty minutes outside of Houston in the countryside.

"Thank you. Come back two hours from now." I instruct the driver as my men open my door for me.

"Yes sir." He says then drives away.

"Where are they." I ask coldly as I walk towards the warehouse.

At the warehouse I am met by Carter,  Mack's little cousin. I seen him a few times when we were younger but he was a runt then. Now he's all grown up and huge. Mack told me he'd entrust me to Carter while he was away. He also told me that Carter dedicated himself to our faction once he turned seventeen. He's seen things, they've seen more things than I ever have.

Well not anymore.

"Tied up inside sir, but fair warning it's brutal sir." Carter tells me.

"Good, I said I didn't want them to sleep unless it was from them passing out."

To be honest, I was a sheltered kid. I never had to witness bloodshed or torture because my dad had a peaceful reign. I guess today will be the day.

As I walk into the warehouse I hear grunting from my men doing the beating. Their voices echoed against the vast metal walls. The sounds of the men screaming filled the air as I got closers and closer. There I stood blocked by a plastic wall of tarp. I could see the blurred, warped silhouettes of my men who were repeatedly beating the tied up men.

I begin to open the tarp but Carter stops me.
"Sir, I'd recommend you put on these so you don't dirty your clothes." He says handing me shoe coverings and medical scrubs.

I look at him with a raised brow. "I don't need that." He then bows and backs up snapping his fingers and the men open the tarp for me.

Upon stepping into the tarp the smell of iron and sweat hits my nose. I then witness one of my guys smoking a cigarette. When he sees me he nods putting the cigarette out on one of the captives arm as the captives screams from the pain.

They had the men gagged. I'm guessing to muffle their cries or keep them from biting their own tongues.

"Wow this is my first time seeing the boss in person and I would have never imagined it'd be Houston's 'bachelor'" He says as he bows his head.

"Watch your mouth punk, before you end up like them." Carter says coldly. I look at the young man who has a scary look in his eye.

I stand in silence, looking at the three men tied up. "Give me a chair." I say. As men hustle to bring me one. "And that bat." I point holding out my hand.

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